Chapter 9: Goodnight, Brother. Goodnight

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Chapter 9: Goodnight, brother. Goodnight

Orpheus was lulled back into consciousness by the voice of an angel. But the beauty didn't last long as the ugly pain hit him full force. Orpheus pulled his heavy lids open, to the face of his lover.Eurydice let out a shaky breath of relief and smiled at her poet's finally open glazed over hazel eyes.

"Orpheus... I love you so much. I'm so glad you're awake." Eurydice breathed out to her lover.

"I love you too," Orpheus whispered back, in a horsed voice. He shifted his body, but immediately stopped as daggers of pain shot through his body. He groaned in response, Eurydice started running her fingers through his sweat covered hair. He leaned into her touch, loving her affectionate ways. The two songbirds were startled by the sound of footsteps, and a sigh of relief as Hermes and Persephone saw that Orpheus had awoken. Persephone kneeled down next to the two.

"Hi baby. I'm so glad you're awake, we just started moving so we'll be home soon, okay? You will finally be able to heal." Persephone said, as she smiled and tears began to run down her cheeks for the millionth time that day. Orpheus' gaze moved from Persephone too Hermes.

"Mister Hermes... I-" Orpheus started, but Hermes cut him off. "No need, Orpheus. I already know what you are going to say, and... it is quite a relief to see you awake," Hermes said, knowing what Orpheus was going to say. "And I love you." Hermes added, to his son. After everything that had happened today, he finally realized that Orpheus truly was his child. He loved him like a child, and he quite sure Orpheus loved him like a... like... like a father.

The train blew the whistle 3 times indicating that the four had arrived at their stop. 

"A'ight! Time to go." Hermes announced, as him and Eurydice linked together to help Orpheus to the bar, where Orpheus would most likely spent many months recovering. He was already falling asleep as they were getting off the train. They all were exhausted emotionally and physically. Orpheus' sweaty forehead once again resting against Hermes' cheek. They all stumbled into the bar, Hermes and Eurydice helping Orpheus up the stairs. Orpheus hissed as pain shot through his stomach, beads of sweat fell from his face. It felt like 7 excruciating hours helping Orpheus to his bed, but they managed. Once the two got Orpheus into the bed, they left the rest too Persephone. Hermes guided Eurydice out of the room and down the stairs to a seat in a chair. Hermes went behind the counter and pour a drink for himself, Persephone, and Eurydice, not needing a vocal indicator for one from the girl. He handed the drink to Eurydice, she took it gladly. The pair sat in silence as Persephone aided Orpheus' wound.

Hermes looked up at the sound of sniffles, he saw Eurydice's tears falling from her eyes. Hermes slid into the seat next to her wrapping his arms around the poor girl as she sobbed into his shoulder. They sat like that for many hours, til they heard the door close upstairs. The both looked up to see a very exhausted Persephone walk down the stairs grabbing the glass and walking over to the two. Hermes wiped his eyes just as Eurydice did the same. 

"Is he going to be okay?" Eurydice rushed out, needing to know. Persephone took a gulp from her glass.

"He'll be fine sweetheart, he only needs time. He's resting now, before either of you rush up to see him." Persephone winked at Hermes as she said it. "In a few hours I will go check on him and change the bandages, you both can say goodnight now," The two immediately jumped up ready to run upstairs, "but you both need rest too."

Hermes and Eurydice both ran up the stairs as quietly as they could. Eurydice put her hand on the knob and turned it, looking inside. They saw a heavily bandaged Orpheus laying on his back, fast asleep. Eurydice walked in and sat down next to her love.

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