Chapter 3: Getting the Key

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Chapter 3: Getting the Key

Orpheus took a deep trembling and shaky breath, as he tried to lift his arm up to the door knob to help him stand. He gasped in pain, as the movement jostled the knife in the stomach. He heard Persephone call through the door, "Orpheus? Are you okay?" Concern seeping through her voice. "Y-yeah, I g-got this." Orpheus knew he wasn't okay, but he had to get up. Orpheus fought through all the intense pain he felt, to stand on nearly collapsing legs. Orpheus weakly turned his head to the right as he saw the coat a few steps away from him. When Orpheus took a look around for the coat, he now saw how grusom the office had become. There were bloody handprints on the was and blood covering the floor, from where he had dragged himself from where he had collapsed. He was standing in a puddle of his own blood, his blood dripping red from his hands and the knife, which he had been too afraid to remove. Orpheus suddenly felt dizzy and sick, but he knew he couldn't stop now. He took a shaky step forward placing a hand on the wall, he fell against the wall with his full weight and there was a thud. The stab wound was josheled went he walked and Orpheus squeezed his eyes shut and he slid down the wall. He left stains all along that wall.

"Orpheus?! Baby? What happened?" A alarmed Persephone called through the door.

"I- I can't Perseph-Persephone." Orpheus sobbed into the wall.

"... Okay baby, we're gonna get to you and help you okay? You will be fine," Persephone said calmly, "Orpheus, if we are going to help you we need you to stay awake. You've been losing blood and if you fall asleep you..." She drifted off, not wanting to scare not only Orpheus, but Eurydice too.

"Lady P-Perse-Persephone I'm g-going to try a-again." Orpheus sobbed, he needed to do this to pass the test.

"Orpheus..." Orpheus heard Eurydice whisper, that gave him a new round of adrenaline.

"Eurydice I-I will g-get out." Orpheus said, wanting to hold Eurydice in his arms once again. Walk in the new spring grass, roll in the fields of flowers together.

"Orpheus, if you can't get the key it's fine! We'll find another wa-" Eurydice was cut off by Orpheus' voice.

"No, Eurydice. I'm going to do it." Orpheus said, determination in his voice. Orpheus pushed himself up, hissing in pain as he did so. He pressed on hand around the still bleeding wound, he gasped in the sudden pain that brought. He stood once again and leaned against the blood stained wall and limped towards the key. To freedom. To Eurydice. Orpheus heavily leaned against the wall as he grabbed onto the jacket and shoved his hand into the pocket. He sighed in relief as he felt the metal touch his bloody fingers. He wrapped his hand around the key, and pulled it out. Orpheus held the key in his hand, he looked at it. He did a task that seemed so impossible to him before.

Orpheus suddenly felt weakened again, and his legs gave out. He landed on the ground with a sound that made his bones sound hollow.

"Orpheus! Are you alright?!" An almost yelling Eurydice questioned. Orpheus didn't respond, he was busy dragging himself over to the door. Once again leaving a trail of red blood behind, which seemed like a never ending river. Orpheus let out a sigh of pain and relief as he finally reached the door. He reached his hand with the key to the knob, "This is it! I can hold Eurydice again!" Orpheus thought, pushing the key in the keyhole. He moved the key to different spots but there wasn't any keyhole.

"N-no... no, n-no,no!"Orpheus' voice grew louder as the dread crept in.

"What?! Orpheus! What happened?!" Yelled a concerned Eurydice. Orpheus burst into more sobs.

"There's no key hole in here!" Sobbed Orpheus, knowing he was going to die in this room without Eurydice. "I'm sorry Eurydice! I'm so sorry!" Cried Orpheus, wishing he had a second chance to help Eurydice, instead of working on the melody that would end up killing him. He curled in the door, body trembling from pain, fear, cries.


Thanks for reading! Sorry this chapter was late, my school is now closed because of coronavirus and we don't get to take our chargers home so my computer was dead. I was finally able to charge it today, so here is the chapter! Hope you enjoy this, I will post the next chapter probably this Wednesday! Remember to 1) Surround yourself with people who's eyes light up when they see you coming, 2) slowly is the fastest way to get where you want to be, 3) the top of one mountain is the bottom of the next, so keep climbing.


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