Chapter 1, This Trashy Town

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I moved here 3 years ago, and since that day I have been bullied, harassed, and basically hated by life itself.

I'm on my way home from the place that makes this all possible, high school, right now.

It doesn't help my situation that my parents, well parent, literally hates me. My mom left when I was 10, and my dad is a alcoholic. I know, perfect. I don't know why my dad hates me, he just does.

I don't blame my mom for leaving a man like my father, but she could've taken me with her. If she did, I wouldn't have ended up in this trashy town where I have no friends and nobody who cares about me.

I kick rocks at my feet as I walk down the side of the road. Soon I start feeling water drip onto my face.

It's starting to rain. Lightly at first, then down pouring.

"Ugh." I rush to try and get home but I know soon I'll be soaked.

As I keep walking a, somewhat familiar, car appears next to me. Inside sits Stanley Barber.

He gestures me in and I get into the passenger seat.

"Hey." He says after a second.

"Hey." I reply "Thanks."

"Well, it's sorta on my way."

Stanley lives a house down from me, that's the only reason he's not a total stranger. He's formally known as the 'weird' or 'carefree' guy. He wheres corky clothes a lot and as the name explains he just doesn't give a crap about anything, he's carefree.

I smile a small smile and then stare out my window at the rain.

I watch the water drip down the window I think back to the day my mom left.


"I can't believe this women!" My dad screams spinning the wheel wildly as rain crashes on the windshield "She just leaves! All I ever did was love her! This is your fault! Yours! Who else's would it be?"

I clutch to my knees in fear of this car crashing.


"Don't talk to me!" He slams the break "Get out of the car!"


"Get out of the car!!"

I stand up and get out of the car holding back tears.

"There's only 2 miles left till home. I know you know your way. So walk!" He slams the car door and speeds away.

Crying I sit down on the side of the road and place my head in my hands.

After a while I stand up and begin walking home in the pouring rain.

End of flashback

I wipe back the couple of tears that are about to slip from my eyes and look over at Stanley.

"Have you ever listened to Bloodwitch?" He asks.

I raise an eyebrow in confusion.

"The band. There really good." He pauses "I could send you a couple songs of there if I got your phone number."

"Ok." I say pulling out my phone "What's yours?"


I put in his contact.

"Cool." I say putting my phone away.

Time skip

Once we get outside of my house he waves then drives a bit to his house which is so close to mine I can see every detail, even the neatly organized kitchen in the window.

When I walk inside my dad is asleep, an empty beer bottle at his side, on the couch.

I sneak upstairs to my bedroom and sit down on my bed.

Soon a notification pops up on my phone. Bloodwitch.

I put in my earbuds and listen. It's surprisingly catchy. I lay down on my back and close my eyes listening to the music. Soon I fall asleep.

Time skip

The next day when I get into school I look around at all the people who pretend I don't exist or judge everything I do with my existence.

"Hey loser." Noah, my bully, and his goons approach me as I shove my backpack in my locker.

I roll my eyes and try to walk away. He grabs me by the wrist and yanks me back "Look at me when I talk to you." He says.

"I want money, I forgot some today." He puts out his hand, then he pulls in back and laughs "That's right. Your mom probably took all of it when she left."

As I look at the grin on his stupid face I wish I could just smack it off, I wish he would just feel a little pain for once, just a little. For him to cry like a baby and cower in front of his friends.

Just one smack.

One hit.

Show him who's boss.

Suddenly, as I stare at his stupid face, his nose starts bleeding.

He releases my wrist and rushes for a tissue. I look around confused, I didn't make that happen. No way.

I slam my locker and rush to the classroom keeping my head down in shock.

When I sit down in the back of the classroom I wait for Noah to come in, for me to have imagined the nosebleed.

It must have been a coincidence.

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