Chapter 3, Groceries

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When we pull out of the hug and the teacher is now in the hall with us my teacher says "Why don't both of you go to the counselor." In a calm voice.

I look over to Stanley, who is holding my hand, and shake my head no slightly.

"No." He says.

My teacher reply's "It's an order."

I simply say nothing back, release Stanley's hand and walk out of the school.

My teacher yells at me to stop but I'm already walking quickly down the street. I hear Stanley following me as I sit down on the curb 2 or 3 blocks away.

Stanley sits down next to me.

"You could be in there keeping up your grades, making friends, I don't know. Why would you follow somebody who you barely know out here?"

He looks over at me "Because, you don't deserve this. I see you walk into school everyday and I can tell something's up."

I look back at him "How do you think you could change that?"

"I don't know. I just wanna be here for you? If there's anything you need, you can talk to me."

I give a tiny smile "Well, I have to go shopping this weekend. Who else will get the groceries?" I sigh "You're welcome to join."

"I can drive us both there." He adds on.

Time skip

For the rest of the week Stanley sticks by my side. At lunch he sits with me, he hangs out by my locker with me, and sits by me in class. For the first time in a very long time, I feel somewhat happy. Stanley is the corkiest person I've ever met, by far, but there's some type of light in him. A light that I want to be around all the time.

We're currently on the way to the grocery store and he's wearing these stupid sunglasses that he always wears on his shirt.

He looks over at me slowly with his sun glasses and makes some stupid sup/raising eyebrows face.

I laugh and roll my eyes.

He smiles.

"What?" I ask.

"I've just never seen you laugh."

I did just laugh. Wow.

We pull into the grocery store and walk in.

As we shop I laugh a lot more. Stanley drops an orange juice and it starts leaking. He picks it up quickly and shoves it in the refrigerator.

I laugh as he puts his finger to his lips gesturing to be quite.

When we get to the front of the store, ready to check out, we get in line.

Once we're at the front of the line the lady says "Your total will be $69.43." She smacks her gum.

Uh oh.

"I think you over charged me." I say.

"On what."

I stare at the food "Everything?"

"Ya... no." The lady smacks her gum again.

"I can spot you if you want-"

I cut Stanley off "No. You've already done enough for me."

I grab two things from the cart harshly and walk to the refrigerator.

I shove them in there places.

All that runs through my head is:

What am I gonna do without milk?

I guess I should've grabbed something else.

Why am I so dumb?

Why is Stanley still being nice to me?

I can't make him do anymore.

My dads gonna be mad about the milk.

Beating for sure.






I spin around and everything flys out of the shelves.

Now what have I done.

Stanley rounds the corner and his eyes widen in confusion at all of the items on the floor.

He thinks he's confused.

I storm out of the store and leave the groceries on the counter. I walk out to his car and sit down in it. I place my head in my hands.

Noah's nose, the wall, now this. What is happening?

A bit later Stanley comes out of the store with the groceries.

He sits down in the car and sets the groceries in the back.

"If you don't mind me asking." He says "What happened?"

I don't say anything at first then reply "I don't know."

He just looks at me for a bit then starts up the car.

After a bit I ask "Why did you suddenly start talking to me? Why are you still hanging out with me? There are so many happy, cool, people in the world. I'm not one of them."

"See. That's my job. Make sure you keep smiling."


"Because there's something about you y/n. Your way more awesome then you think."

I give a small smile "But you didn't have to pay for the groceries."

"I didn't have to. I wanted to."

I smile again.

"I have a quick delivery on the way back." He says after a bit of silence.

"Ok." I reply looking out of my window.

When we pull up into on alley I see him pull a baggie out of his pocket. Are those, drugs?

He gets out and walks up to a man. He hands the man the baggie and gets a load of money in return.

When Stanley gets back in I say "So your a drug dealer?"

"I have clients."

I laugh.

Maybe there's more to Stanley then what meets the eye.

Maybe there's more to everyone then what meets the eye.

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