Chapter 9, "I'm gonna get you out of there"

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I look at the picture again and again. It's definitely her, just with a lot of war paint on and her hair done up weird.

I read through the article.

Surprising explosions happening to company's across the globe.

These girls caught at almost every one of them.

Coincidence? I think not.

Every time that these girls have been questioned they surprisingly disappear from the area very quickly.

A police officer claims that one young girl, who's name is unknown, made a fence fall on him using her mind.

Many theories have been placed on this case. But for now nobody truly knows how the young girls do it.

If you happen to see these girls in your area call your local police immediately.

Holy crap. She's alive. She can control her powers. And she's using them for evil...

I set down the newspaper.

"What is it?" Lyla asks "You look like you've seen a ghost."

"Just... really confused by this article."

When I walk back into my room I smile but feel sick at the same time.

Y/n is alive! Why is she doing this?

It has to do with that thing. I know it.

Plopping down on my bed I take out my phone and try this for the thousandth time.

I go to y/n's contact and now instead of texting the same text I do quite often I call her.

I 100 percent expect no answer. So I'm more shocked then I am over the article when somebody picks up.

"What do you want." A voice says into it.

Her voice.

It's her voice.

"This is... um... this is Stanley. Stanley Barber."

She goes silent and she whispers "Stanley." She sounds like her self for a second but then I hear another girl in the background.

"Who are you talking to?" The voice snaps.

"Just a stupid wrong number." she says.

I hear nothing for a bit then she whispers "I'm sorry."

"No, don't be. Please just... what happened."

"Fine." I can hear she's crying. "I need to get farther away from the girls. Then I'll tell you everything.

She mutes herself for a minute then unmutes it and says "I miss you so much."

"I miss you too" She doesn't realize how much I truly do.

She continues "That night. A year ago. I heard something upstairs. So I got out of bed, climbed up the stairs, and saw it at the window. It said that it wanted people to fear me. I asked what it meant. It didn't tell me anything just that if I didn't do it... it would hurt you."

She's crying again "Oh y/n-"

"No." She takes in a breath "I chose to come with it. It told me to steel somebody's train ticket. I stole one from a young boy." I can hear the pain in her voice "Then I got on without knowing where it would bring me. I got off somewhere in New Jersey." She pauses "It told me to follow the road down to a little building. I walked in and met 4 other girls. I told them that a dark shadow led me there. I expected them to laugh but instead they welcomed me. They're all like me Stanley. But they have different powers. They said that mine is the most powerful of all. That mine is the most dangerous. And I know that now. Nia, one of the girls, can make us all turn invisible. Firè, very shocking, can control fire. Jade has the power of healing. And Lea can read people's thoughts."

I have no words for what she's just told me.

She continues "The shadow. It wants exactly what it said. It wants to see people afraid. It uses us to do so."

I reply "Can't you sneak away. Come back?"

"I wish. But I can't. When I try to leave. It hurts me. And if I do leave through the pain, it'll hurt you."

Tears drip down my face "Where are you going next? I'll come get you out of there. I won't let you continue to be a criminal."

She's crying again "I won't let you put yourself in danger."

"If you don't tell me I'm going to try to find you. I could end up in one of the buildings you blew up. Or it could attack me because I'm to close. I'm in more danger if you don't tell me."


"You either tell me. Or I might end up dead."

"Fine. Missouri public bank." She says quietly.

I let out a sigh of relief "I'm going to get you out of there."

She doesn't reply for a bit but then says "Keep yourself safe."

"I will." I reply.

"Goodbye." She says.

"Goodbye." I reply

She hangs up.

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