Chapter 4, My friend who knows Everything

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2 weeks later

For the next two weeks Stanley continues to be nice to me. I've laughed more then I've ever laughed in my life in the past two weeks. 

My dad has hit me a couple times. But not so bad Stanley can see it, I mean after I cover it with makeup.

Today, for some weird reason, I let Stanley convince me to go to a pep rally.

Me! A pep rally!

As I pull on my jacket to leave the building I ask "Why am I going to this thing again?"

"Because. It could be fun."

I roll my eyes and get in the car closing the door behind me.

Stanley turns his keys and then starts blasting bloodwitch.

We're heading to his house for a couple hours before the rally starts.

Stanley drums with his fingers on the wheel while he drives. Again, he has his stupid sunglasses on.

Time skip

At his house we mostly just sit around, chill, dance to music, and talk.

Now it's time for the pep rally, not only the pep rally, the game. Barf.

Once we arrive I realize how dark it is outside. We sit way off to the side on a bench away from other people and watch the football team, class jerks, rip each other apart. Stanley was right, it's not that bad.

When the cheerleaders come out I laugh at there corky moves. I stand up and mimic them. I get Stanley to get up and do a couple stupid cheers with me. As we make fun of them I wonder if they think they actually look cool.

Once we sit back down I look over at Stanley's sun glasses on the top of his shirt. I take them and put them on.

Maybe his glasses aren't so stupid.

Eventually I'm getting ready to call it a night when Stanley asks

"Have you ever smoked weed."

"No." I reply.

He holds some out.

I take it from his hand and he lights it for me.

It's not that bad. When things start getting loopy we head back to his house and it feels like we sit there laughing over nothing for eternity.

At some point we lay down on his floor and he asks "Would you rather be an eagle or a jellyfish."

I laugh "What kind of question is that."

He laughs too.

I continue "I would obviously be an eagle."

More historical laughing.

He says "Rumor has it. When the earth destroys itself, jellyfish will take over."

"Nobody says that." I laugh laying beside him on the carpeted ground.

Then it hit me. I finally have a friend.

Time skip

When the effects wear off Stanley walks me back home.

When we arrive outside I can see my dad awake through the window. He looks ready to kill somebody.

Stanley looks over to me with a worried expression "I don't think-"

I cut him off "It's fine." I give a little smile.

I won't let him worry about me too.

"Y/n. You've gotta let people help you."

I start walking away before he can say more and walk into the house.

My dad meets me near the door inside and glares at me. Luckily he doesn't hit me or say anything. He's clearly mad at somebody else. Normally he would still take that out on me though.

I walk up the stairs as quickly as possible and to my room before he changes his mind.

Sitting down on my bed the thought that suddenly pops into my mind again is Noah's nose bleeding, the crack in the wall, and the shelves.

I still have no explanation for any of it.

Who knows maybe I have powers.

I laugh out loud at that thought. But a little part of me wonders.

I stand up and place a pillow on the ground. Then I hold my hand out to it.

This is stupid. Nothing's gonna happen.

I think in my head:





Of course nothing happens. Those things were just coincidences.

I pick up the pillow and toss it onto my bed, then I plop down on my back and look over to the side out of my window. I can see Stanley dancing around in his window.

I smirk a little. I watch as he picks up a little girl off of his bed and holds her up in the air.

That must be his sister.

He looks like he's singing to her as she laughs up in the air.


My mom holds me up above her head and tickles me as I laugh.

"I'm gonna love you forever butterfly." She says as she pulls me down into her arms.

Little 5 year old me kisses her on the cheek and says back "I'm gonna love you too." The way I say love sounds more like wuv.

End of flashback

The smile disappears from my face.

Why did she leave me then? Why didn't she take me with her?

She was suppose to love me forever. They both were. But neither of them did. My dad still doesn't.

Maybe my mom is holding up some other kid. Calling him or her her little butterfly right now.

I stand up and quickly push over a picture I have of my mom

When I turn around the pillow, which was clearly levitating, falls to the bed again.

I'm now 100 percent convinced I have super powers.

I walk over to the pillow and pick it up.

And then it hits me.

All these things have happened when I'm mad. But I can't control it.

I can't control that it happens, but maybe I can teach myself to do it when I want to.

I close my eyes and start thinking about all the bad in my life. I think and think and think. And just as I want to when I open my eyes and scream, my window breaks to millions of pieces.

But, because life is against me, I realize that Stanley saw it happen over at his window.

His jaw is dropped and his eyes are wider then ever as I use the last of my anger to whip the curtain closed with my mind.

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