Chapter 7, Its been Watching

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After a bit of watching the window I decide it was just my imagination and look back to the tv.

Time skip

The next day at school Stanley helps me around a bit. Noah messes with me but I try to ignore him. At lunch I get a ham sandwich from the cafeteria, ew, its not the greatest thing I've ever tasted.

As I sit with Stanley beside me I see Dina. Dina is Brads, another stupid jock at our school, girlfriend. She's also a cheerleader, shocker. She wears his stupid jacket all the time and I believe there both using each other. Dina is using him to be popular. Brad is using her for his own... pleasures.

I look away in disgust at the way he places his hand on her thigh. 

After a bit Noah walks into the cafeteria with his goons and sits down at the same table as Stanley and I. What is his issue?

"What do you want Noah?" I ask.

"Nothing. Can't I sit by a friend?" He smiles an evil smile.

"Let's go outside Stanley." I say quietly.

We get up and Stanley hands me my crutches.

Once we get outside we sit down at the picnic table.

We talk and laugh for about 15 minutes, then it's time to get back to classes.

Time skip

That night while I'm at Stanley's, who I'm still staying with, I feel like something is watching me again.

I still believe I'm paranoid until something shifts past the curtains near the corner. I scoot in closer to Stanley, who laying beside me, and this wakes him up.

"You ok?" He asks with a worried expression.

"Ya. I just- I thought- Nevermind."

"What is it?"

"I just... lately have felt like something's watching me. All the time."

"Like your dad?"

"Like something else."

"It'll be ok. Your safe. I'm not gonna let anything hurt you."

I smile and he pulls me in closer to him.

Even though I feel a lot safer when I'm in his arms, I still feel another presence in the room.

Stanley's pov (I know this is a little different):

As I pull y/n into my arms I don't dare tell her that I have felt the same way she has.

She doesn't need anything else happening to her. She doesn't need more stress. I've made a promise to myself that I won't let anything hurt her anymore, I'm not gonna break it.

Time skip

Y/n's pov:

For the next week that uneasy feeling hasn't left. Not for one second. Not even in my dreams. My dreams are full of various things watching me, waiting for something. Something to do to me.

I try to act the same as usual but I can tell Stanley knows something's up. Stanley's dad was here 2 days ago but then left on a shift again. Stanley just lied that I was staying for a day.

I have still continued to tell myself this is all just a product of my imagination, but after today I can no longer do so.

As I walk into the kitchen and past the window in the living room something sits out there before me. A dark, creepy, unpleasant creature. It's face is covered by a cloak as is the rest of its body. It doesn't move, it doesn't do anything it just stays there looking at me.

I must be dreaming.

I walk a little closer to the window and it stays frozen. It stays frozen until its hand comes up smacking the glass as to reach through.

I scream.

The light bulb in the lamp shatters with my scream. I still can't totally control my powers.

Stanley runs into the room and I stumble into his arms. Pointing at the glass the figure is no longer there.

"I-" I struggle for words "There was something there."

I look up at Stanley and he appears to believe me.

"I promise I'm not crazy." I say.

"I know your not."

I hug him and he hugs me back. My eyes don't leave the window.

Time skip

After we stop hugging we walk into the kitchen, me still with my crutches, and sit down at the table.

"What did it look like?" He asks "The thing you saw."

"It was... dark... I couldn't see its face. It wore a cloak over its whole body." I pause "It just sat there. Well, kinda, hovered there. Like it didn't have feet. Looking at me. Until it's hand shot up to the glass and this freaked me out so I screamed and the light bulb in that lamp shattered. Sorry about that."

"It's fine." He says with a soothing voice.

We sit there for a second before Stanley starts talking again "I was trying not to freak you out even more. But." He lets out a sigh "I also have felt like something's watching us lately. I felt it when you said so a week ago. Before you said so a week ago." He pauses "I tried to ignore it. Until you said you felt it too. Then I just tried to keep us safe from whatever it was."

We both look out of the window. I don't know what we're watching for. Or waiting for. I just know it involves that... thing.

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