Chapter 8, Goodbye Stanley

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Time skip

That night as I stare off into the nothingness of the dark room I hear something upstairs.

I slowly scoot away from Stanley and stand up. This time without my crutches. I don't really need them anymore, I just use them to make things a little easier. I mean I can almost run perfectly fine. I've just been scared that I'll fall.

I creep out of the room and up the stairs. Walking to the kitchen table I stare back to that window.

The creature sits there again.

This time I won't scream. I won't get scared. I won't let Stanley keep protecting me. I'll protect myself.

I get up and walk over to the window.

"What do you want?" I ask trying not to sound shaky in my voice.

The creature doesn't say anything at first. I believe it doesn't talk. But eventually in a raspy, dark, whispering voice it says

"You... are... special."

"W-What do you mean?"

"Your... powers." It speaks slowly pausing between words.

I don't reply.

I let out a shaky breath.

It continues "People should fear you."

I shake my head no.

"But yes." It says "You want a purpose... your purpose is to make them fear you... all of them... let me help you...."

"No." I say.

"No?" It laughs "Then ill destroy your little... friend."

I glance over to the stairs. When I turn back it's gone.

"No." I Whisper then add "Wait!"

The creature appears back at the window.

"Yes..." It says.

"I'll do whatever you ask. Just don't hurt him."

It appears to be smiling but I can barely see its mouth "You will disappear from this town.... And join the others."

"The others?"

It laughs "Now."

"Right now?" I ask.

"Now." It repeats.

It holds its hand back up to the glass as it did before.

"Put your hand up to mine through the glass." It says quickly and demanding.

I look back to the stairs once more and whisper "Goodbye Stanley."

Then I put my hand to its hand.

Stanley's pov:

The next morning when I wake up y/n isn't beside me.

I suppose she's upstairs so I get up and walk to the kitchen.

All I find is Lyla.

"Hi Stanley." She smiles "Y/n still asleep?"

"You mean she's not up here?" I ask.

"No." Lyla reply's.

I look around the room.

No, no, no, no, no!

"Y/n?!" I call.

Maybe she's way upstairs?

"Y/n?!" I call again.

I start heading up the large staircase.

I walk from room to room yelling "Y/n?!"

No reply.

I feel tears swell in my eyes.

What if that thing took her?

I didn't get the chance to tell her that I like her.

I sit down on my sisters bed in the room that I'm in. The tears that were in my eyes fall.

I grab a pillow off the bed and chuck it in the ground.

"Why her!?" I scream and put my head in my hands.

Her adorable smile runs through my mind. Her laugh and the way she would fall asleep in my arms. Us making fun of the cheerleaders and shopping. Laughing for no reason and getting high.

I'll find her.

It couldn't have taken her to far. Could it?

I stand up and walk back downstairs.

Lyla has a worried expression on her face at how mad I look as I grab my jacket at tell her

"Come on we're getting in the car."

She doesn't say anything back she just stands up and we head out.

After I bring her to school I don't head to my school. I start searching the town.

' She has to be here. She has to.' Is what I tell myself at every stop.

She never is.

One year later

Still Stanley's pov:

As I sit at the kitchen table with Lyla I read through the newspaper.

I do this every week for something to do.

The world has been so dark since y/n was taken. I don't know what to do anymore.

I flip through the pages at the boring articles but one picture catches my eye.

A group of girls my age. They appear to be some type of gang.

One girl looks so familiar.



I know this chapter was really short. Sorry 😐

Also, thank you for 100 views already! I know that seems like nothing to a lot of people, but for a small account like mine that means a lot ❤️❤️

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