Chapter 11, Happily ever After

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500 views, wow! Thank you sooo much! I didn't even think this would get one 🤣

Once we release again the other girls walk over to us. Even Firè. And they all hug me and cry.

They didn't really wanna be here just as I didn't.

"You're braver then any of us." Firè says to me "Oh and. My names not really Firè. It's Monica."  She pauses "I just didn't want to give out my real identity yet."

I here police cars pulling up.

"We have to get out of here." Nia whispers.

Nia then grabs Jade and I by the hands to make us invisible. Then I grab Stanley and Leah grabs the others.

As we creep away to Stanley and Monica's two separate cars we release hands, but we're still out of sight so we're safe as I say goodbye to the girls.

They all climb into Monica's car and I climb into Stanley's.

Then as a police officer notices us I make some garbage fly at him, blocking his way, while we make our escape.

Time skip

The whole way back Stanley holds my hand. He doesn't release it once.

He also informs me that my father has moved away. Nobody knows where he's gone to... but he left.

Stanley also says that before my father left he had managed to get something from the house for me and he'll give it to me once we get back.

Now that we're entering the house everything finally catches up with me.

So much has happened since I met Stanley.

He walks over to the kitchen and comes back handing me a picture frame.

I run my figures along the frame then look at the picture.

Its the picture of me and my mother.

A tear drips from my eye and I turn to Stanley "Thank you so much."

He smiles and pulls me into another hug.

I whisper "For everything."

Time skip

After I got out of those stupid war closes and makeup I finally look like myself again.

Staring at myself in the mirror it feels weird. I look like a totally different person. The person I used to be, the person I am deep down.

I walk out to Stanley. I'm wearing one of his sweat shirts and some sweatpants.

He smiles wide "I've missed you so much."

"I've missed you too."

He leans in and kisses me again.

Once he pulls out he says "I was thinking. If I talk to my dad about it. You could continue staying here."

I nod.

He also adds "When you disappeared, somehow word got around that you just moved. And that since your dad had moved, that made a lot of since. But since we only have 2 months left until we graduate, it's fine if you don't wanna go to school."

I think about it "No. I do. I'm not scared of the bully's anymore. Or care about being hated. I have you."

He smiles a little "Ok. So how do we explain you coming back?"

"We don't. We can mess with people a bit."

He laughs "As much as you've changed, you haven't changed one bit."

I laugh too.

3 months later (Just so you can see a little bit kinda after the story)

Stanley's dad agreed that I could stay in their house. People eventually just ignored the fact that I 'moved away' and then mysteriously showed up again. Dina broke up with her stupid boyfriend and she's actually kinda our friend now.

In fact all three of us, Stanley, Dina, and I, are headed to meet up at the carnival right now.

Dina and I had been at the cafe while Stanley was picking up our wristbands.

Obviously life isn't perfect, Noah still messes with me. One time he was really getting on my nerves and Stanley turned around and punched him! I was shocked, Noah ran away like a little baby. Stanley just brushed it off and kept walking.

When we show up at the carnival I see Stanley.

I run up behind him and jump onto his back. Covering his eyes with my hands I say "Guess who."

"Definitely Dina." He jokes.

I uncover his eyes and lean over his shoulder to kiss him.

After a bit we all rush to one of the rollercoasters and get in.

I scream the whole time through laughter and I think I squeeze Stanley hand so hard it's gonna snap.

Yet I still ride thousands more with them. We get cotton candy and popcorn, which we throw the little kernels at each other way to often. We also play some games against each other and Stanley let's me win almost every time.

At the end of the night they have fireworks so we try to make sure we'll be on the fares wheel for it.

We get on in a seat and it starts going.

I hold Stanley's hand and rest my head on his shoulder. Dina points out cool Fireworks and her and I laugh about one that looks like a banana. Stanley looks at us like we're crazy but then laughs too.

When we reach the top I use my powers, which Dina knows I have, to make it stop so we have a good view of the fireworks. Stanley kisses me and we continue making out at the top of the fares wheel.

A year and a half ago I didn't understand why the whole world was against me. But right now I wouldn't want anything more then what I have sitting right beside me.

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