jschlatt x male!reader | i found you

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soulmate au
smau where your soulmates first words to each appear on your wrist at age 16. schlatt has "sir, one more 'frick' or 'heck' and i'll have to show you what sharpness iv looks like" while y/n has "you hate to see it" on theirs.
word count: 1341
a/n: revised schlatt's age after listening to the 21st (i think) episode of the podcast. that sly fucker made it really seem like he was 27... we still don't know his age, but he looks to be around cooper and ted's age, maybe a little older, so i'm going to out him at 23.
Y/n POV, aged 16
"You ready to see what they'll say to you, Y/n?"

My best friend was staying the night with me, for my birthday. To be honest, I was nervous. What if it was some generic thing that's said everyday? I'll never find my soulmate.

"I mean, yes. But what if it's generic? How would I ever find the?"

"You'll find them, trust me. Even so, you don't have to be with them if you can't find them, either."

F/n was so optimistic. It killed me.

"I dunno," I looked at the time.

12:00 AM.

"Here goes nothing," I say as I take my hand off of my wrist.

"What's it say?"

I looked long and hard at my words. It was slightly generic. Common, but not really.

"Well? Y/n?"

I blinked myself out of my daze. "Huh? Sorry. It says, 'you hate to see it.'"

F/n's face dropped a little. "Damn, that's something you'll hear sometimes. I'm sorry, Y/n."

I smiled sadly, "It's fine. Maybe they'll have something more interesting on theirs."

F/n beamed, "That's the spirit!"

Y/n POV, aged 22
I sighed as I sat staring at my screen. I had just started up my stream and was waiting for some more viewers to show up. As a couple more people tuned in and chat was scrolling, I turned on my mic.

"Hello, hello, hello. How are we all on this fine day, chat?"

A series of answers were spammed. Chuckling, I open Minecraft.

"We're doing some Minecraft today, guys. It won't be solo, though. I've extended an offer to Carson and whatever goonies he wants to drag along with him to play some Feed The Beast."

I read chat for a bit longer before getting a notification on Discord.

"Alrighty, chat, that's Carson. We'll be starting here shortly," I say before muting my mic to my stream.

I joined the call with Carson. With him was Cooper, Travis, and Charlie.

"Hey, Y/t/c," Cooper greeted.

"What's up, what's up? This the group?" I ask.

"For the most part. Schlatt's supposed to join here soon," Carson says.

"Okay, then. Let me whitelist you all," I say. I knew of Schlatt, but never spoke to him. He seems chill from the videos he's been in with Carson.

Once I finished whitelisting everyone, I turned my mic back on for Twitch and muted myself in the call.

"Hey, guys. We're back. We've got Carson, Cooper, Travis, and Charlie right now. Schlatt's joining later according to Carson," I say.

I unmuted myself in the call and got to playing with the guys. Everything was calm until night hit.

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