jawsh x nb!reader | patriotism

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angst, turns into fluff (i promise)
you're josh's lover. when you graduated, you opted into the army, where you've been for years. you had held contact with josh for the first year of your deployment, but then you fell off the grid...
word count: 1442

The brunette stared longingly at the framed photo on his desk. His brown eyes finding your e/c ones in the photo. He had a sad smile on his face, remembering the day clearly.


"Josh, you're too methodical! Why don't you just chill and take a breather? We've both been here so many times."

Your voice was like music in his ears. He let out a contempt sigh and complied, "Alright, Y/n. What would you like to do next, then?"

Your big e/c eyes darted around the park, landing on a vender with plush Mickeys.

You looked up at Josh, who towered over your small frame, with pleading eyes. He rolled his own, knowing he wouldn't be able to resist your begging.

"C'mon, Y/n/n, let's get you one," he said as he drug you in the direction of the plush you so desired.


That was the last date he had with you before your deployment, the second to last time he saw you in person.

It was the fourth of July today. America's independence, and your anniversary. Josh looked over at his bed, where one of his hoodies laid on a rung of the ladder.

It was one of his hoodies, yes, but it was the one you always wore when he wasn't wearing it.

It was a joke that he bought it, all thanks to SMP Live. Despite that it was Annoying Orange, you would wear to school your senior year, not caring about what others said about it.

Josh could remember all the times he would pick you up from school, only to see you wearing the biggest smile as other students gave you dirty looks.

He loved that about you, the way you never let your peers get you down.

He felt the familiar lump in his throat and his vision started to get a little blurry. He tried to remain strong for you, his little soldier. The two of you held contact for a year after you had gotten phone privileges, but then you disappeared.

He sent letters and tried to call and text your number, but nothing. He knew you didn't deploy into a fight, you would've told him, sent him letters. He was worried to death.

Who wouldn't be?

Josh's friends and fans picked up on it all, especially around this time of year. They did their best to be there for him, but he pushed them away. He didn't want to believe you were dead, no one did.

Josh went to his bathroom and looked at his reflection in the mirror. His eyes were puffy from crying, and his hair was a mess. Sighing, he washed his face and made his hair look the least bit presentable.

He needed to stream Minecraft. He did it every year. He would log on to the world you had played on with him so many times. He'd play for as long as he, which wasn't long due to the floods of memories, but he did it anyways.

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