cscoop x male!reader | july

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y/n is attached to cooper, he's got a crush. They're in a kind of relationship, but there's no commitment, but y/n wishes there was. he hates when the two must separate. even though they aren't in any rush for seriousness, y/n wants to know what cooper's thoughts are.
word count: 1594

I've been looking for a reason
To have you in my arms
Where you wanna be
Never had a woman so good
Glad to have you right where you wanna be

Excuses, excuses, excuses. That's what Y/n does to get more time with Cooper. It's not like he needs to make up excuses, he and Cooper both enjoy each other's company. One would think the two were in a relationship from the outside looking in, but they aren't.

In a sense.

They act like they, but the commitment isn't there. Neither of them are in the place for that, so they think.

Talking 'til the morning we don't need any sleep
I hate it when you go to work
Laying 'til the sun down it feel like a dream
I hate it when we go to work
You should be here

Right now, Y/n and Cooper were laying on the roof of Y/n's house smoking weed as the sun sets. It's quite a regular thing that they do. They'll smoke and just talk up there for hours on end, occasionally going for so long that they see the sun rise.

But some nights that's not a thing to happen, such as now.

"I hate do be a buzzkill, but I gotta go, Y/n/n," Cooper said as he propped himself up on his elbow.

The h/c male flopped from his side to his back, grunting.

"Damn our jobs. Fuckin' sucks."

The blonde chuckled and took another puff of the blunt in his hand.

"Life's a bitch, but my schedule is moldable," he looked down at the shorter male. "You, however, work more solid hours."

"Yea, but I could quit. I could do what you do, your viewers seem to like me," Y/n said, scooting closer to the skater boy.

"Keep working for a while longer, babe. Get some more money in your pocket and switch to part time before trying what I do," Cooper chuckled.

Y/n puffed out his cheeks. You should be here with me, and I with you all the time. "Fine, but only until July. I hate this job."

"And the job hates you," Cooper said before pulling the e/c male into a high, chaste kiss. "I gotta go, but I'll be back again tomorrow."

"You better or I'll drive over to your house and get you myself."

Baby, baby I
Doing what feels right
Baby, baby now
Tell me what you wanna say
Show me how you feeling, babe
Show me how you feeling, babe

That weekend it was just the two of them, alone. Cuddled close together on Y/n's couch, a beer in Cooper's hand and a cigarette in Y/n's, they just sat and watched whatever the fuck on Youtube.

Y/n took a hold of Cooper's hand and took a swig from the bottle. The taste was sour, but he didn't care.

"You're a little young for that," Cooper said.

"Yea, well I'm a little young for cigarettes too but you still buy them for me," he retorted.

"A nicotine addicted Y/n has got to be better than a drunk Y/n," he huffed as he took a swig of the beverage, finishing it off.

"A drunk me is better than a sober me," the h/c male said, advancing on to Cooper.

The two shared a longing kiss, full of lust and frustration from the past week. They had many nights like these, using each other to release their pent up frustrations and quenching their sexual urges.

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