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- Hospitals -
Zoe's POV
I pulled away from my heated exchange with Alfie. He looked into my eyes and smiled.

"I wanted to ask you something, like before you fainted," he started. I could tell what was coming. But this time I wasn't scared.

"Will you go on a da-" he said. There was a sudden beeping sound coming from Alfie's pocket. He sighed and pulled out his phone.

"Oh...My...Gosh," Alfie said. He chocked on his words. A single tear ran down his cheek.

"Alfie?" I said, placing my hand on his muscular shoulder. His arm tensed at my touch.

"It was my mum, Poppy's been rushed to hospital," He said, bursting into a flurry of tears. I widened my mouth in shock.

"Did she say why?" I said, tears formed in my eyes. Before I met Henry, I was quite close to the Deyes family. Poppy was one of my best friends, I met Alfie through her.

"She's been involved in a hit and run, can you drive me to the hospital?" He muttered.

"Of course," I said, standing up.


About half an hour later, we were at Brighton General Hospital. I locked the car and walked to Alfie who'd already reached the hospital doors. He held out his hand and I entwined my fingers with his. We walked hand in hand to the front desk.

"Were here to see Poppy Deyes," I said, the woman clicked a few buttons on her computer and gave us the room number.

"Only family are allowed in," She said.

"Oh were her brother and sister," I lied. Alfie stayed quite the whole time, I could feel his hands shaking. I squeezed the hand I was holding, he looked down at me and I smiled reassuringly. He smiled back.

"Okay," The receptionist sighed, we walked away from the desk and headed for the lift.


As we approached the room, Alfie's mum, Amanda, walked out into the corridor.

"Thank god your here Alfie," She said, pulling him into a tight hug. I smiled at their love for each other. I wish my parents loved me like that.

"Is she okay?" Alfie chocked.

"She's doing better than she was, you can go in, Zoe you'll have to wait out here with me," Amanda smiled. I let go of Alfie's hand. I felt empty as his touch faded. Amanda sat down on one of the plastic blue chairs. I decided to go and sit down next to her.

"It's nice to see you back in Alfie's life," Amanda said, "He really looks up to you," She added.

"It's nice to be back in Alfie's life, i've missed him" I sighed.

"I'm really worried for him," She said. "Him and Poppy are so close, I don't know what i'll do if she...you know..." She said, bursting into a gush of tears. I wrapped my arm around her and put my head on her shoulder.

"Poppy will recover," I said. There was a sense of doubt in my tone.

"Thank You Zoe," she whispered.


We sat there in silence for the rest of the time that Alfie was with Poppy. Our silence was finally interrupted by a happy Alfie bursting out of Poppy's room.

"Guys, come in," He smiled. I rushed up from my seat and hugged Alfie. He picked me up in his arms and squeezed me. Amanda wiped a tear from her eye and walked into the room. Alfie put me down and took my hand again. We followed Amanda through the door. Poppy was sitting up on the bed.

"Zoe!?" She squealed. I let go of Alfie's hand and ran over to her bedside.

"I've missed you," She cried.


I walked out the Hospital hand in hand with Alfie. Poppy had to stay in overnight so Amanda volunteered to look after her.

"Thanks for being there for me today," Alfie smiled. He took my other hand in his and faced me.

"It's okay," I said. The cold breeze caught my bare arms. I shuddered at the sudden goosebumps which arose from my skin. Alfie pulled me into his body. His heat radiated onto my body. I instantly warmed up.

"Zoe, i've been dying to ask you on a date these past couple of days, but after today, i've realized I don't want to date you." Disappointment struck me in the heart like a dagger.

"Oh," I sighed. Tears formed on my waterline.

"I want you to be my girlfriend." He finished. I looked up at him and smiled.

"I want that too," I grinned. He chuckled and took me by surprise with a kiss.

"I love you," I whispered. Burring my head into his chest.

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