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- News -
Alfie's POV

I slouched in the corner of my aparment and let the tears cascade slowly down my cheeks. I should've gone after her. She could be anywhere right now. With anyone. A strike of jealousy filled my body. What if she was with another man? What if that man was Henry. I tried to focus on the noise of the TV as my thoughts were becoming too much for me to handle. I heard the sounds of Big Ben's chimes, signalling The News. I listened carefully to the main story.

A young woman has fallen off Brighton Pier. The woman has been identified at Zoe Sugg, a young 24 year old woman who was living in Brighton. Witnesses saw the Zoe crawl through the gates of the pier, make a phone call and then continue down the side of the pier until she suddenly stopped, then she was seen falling through the floor and clinging onto the pier for some time, until she fell into the waves below. One witness says she heard parts of Miss.Sugg's phone call, in which she organised a friend to pick her up outside the pier. Ambulance crews at the scene say she's alive, but in an unstable and weak condition.

A single tear fell from my waterline. I had to get to the pier. I grabbed my car keys from the kitchen counter and ran out of my apartment, locking the door behind me. I ran down the hall and decided on taking the stairs.


I stopped my car in the middle of the road and jumped out. There was a small crowd gathered around the exit to the promenade. An ambulance and a helicopter were hovering nearby. I pushed through the crowd, causing some noise between them. Anger filled my brain.

"Go home you nosey, ignorant idiots! My girlfriend could be dead!" I shouted. They all mumbled to them selves and then departed in little spurts. The only person left was a girl I recognised, Gabby. She saw the emotion in my eyes and almost suddenly pulled me into a hug.

"Zoe's been rescued, she's just being hooked up to something in that ambulance, you travel with her and i'll follow behind in my car," Gabby said to me, I nodded.

"Gab," I started, she turned around and smiled,

"Yes," She replied with open eyes.

"She'll be alright, won't she?" I whispered. Gabby nodded and forced a smile, I think she was doubting it as much as me. She turned back around and got into her car. It was only then when she broke into a fit of tears. I looked back to the ambulance Zoe was in, contemplating if she even wanted me in their with her. I jogged over and stoped the driver just as he was about to close the back doors.

"Wait," I shouted, surprising him, "May I travel with her? I'm her boyfriend," He nodded and opened the back doors again, allowing me in. I sat down on the chair and stared at her lifeless body. She was pale, her hair was tangled and her makeup was everywhere, She still looked like royalty though. I placed her hand in mine. It was cold and fragile. I placed my lips on it and whispered into her skin.

"I'm sorry,"

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