Chapter 5 | Nightmare

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She had ridden for a day now, without stopping and resting. She was so very tired but she knew she had to keep going.

She was currently riding with the aid of the Trident. She knew that if she followed the river, she would find her way to Riverrun.

Memories of her family had been the only consolation she could find, the only motivation to keep going.

Her tights hurt from being on horseback for so many hours but she couldn't afford to complain. She had to keep riding.

The Riverlands were just as beautiful as they were the last time Lilia had been there but much more destroyed. The smell of blood and death emanated through the air and made Lilia grieve for all those families who had been caught up in the war.

"Look at what we have here", she listened to a man's voice predatorily approaching her. As she noticed the crimson armour, she began to sweat as she took hold of the dagger she would always carry around. "What is a Lady like you doing all by herself in the place where a battle has been fought?"

"It is none of your concern", she rudely replied. The man laughed and as she was about to ride off, she was stopped by two other men who threw her off her horse. Lannister bloody soldiers, she thought. She tried to fight them off as she watched one of them take off their pants. "STOP THIS! DO YOU KNOW WHO I AM?"

"After a war, you are just a slice of cake ready to be eaten" disgust filled her as she kicked the men who laughed at her helplessness.

"Out of her", another one pointed out. "That one is the sister! She's the Stark whore. She matches the description perfectly"

"Just because I'm blond doesn't mean I'm Jaime Lannister", the aggressor mocked as he tried to force himself on her.

What could she do?

If she told them who really was she would most likely be kept a prisioner but if she said nothing they would rape her and most likely kill her after they were done with her. Whatever the case was, she would be killed off anyway and she wasn't entirely sure what death would be worse.

"Even if it isn't her. How much do you think Tywin Lannister would pay to have her?", the other one insisted.

She saw a rock next to her and in an act of boldness, she took it and threw it at the man's head with the strength she had in her and attempted to run, which was stupid since they grabbed her by the hair and dragged her back.

She hadn't been that frightened since Joffrey. The men laughed at her stupidness. How could a girl like her believe she could escape them?

Men were such monstrous creatures.

Those giggles soon got to an end and were replaced by the sound of steel cutting through flesh and blood being spilt on the floor.

She watched as a man in armour took them down one by one, killing each and every single one of the Lannister soldiers, much to Lilia's relief.

When he was finished, he climbed down his horse and offered her his hand, which she took. He helped her back to her feet, and as soon as he did that, the knight took off his helmet, showing a familiar face.

"Ser Willem", Lilia said out of surprise. What was that man doing there? He was supposed to be patrolling and yet he was standing right in front of her with a generous smile. "You were supposed..."

"I could never abandon you, My Lady", his words seemed genuine and sincere, making Lilia question the reason why he had decided to go after her. Had it been for duty? Had it been his sense of honour? "How knightly would that be?"

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