Chapter 8 | Death of Trust

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It was a late morning in Winterfell and Lilia should be in her lessons with Septa Mordane but she didn't like those, mostly because of the woman's lessons. So, tired of putting up with her unmeasured and unbearable attitude, Lilia ditched her lessons after claiming she had to take care of her moon blood, which was completely false as she had been having trouble getting it. Maester Luwin had told her it was a normal thing for some maidens who had recently flowered but that surely, after some time, it would become regular.

She had decided to go spy on Robb and Jon as they practised with Ser Rodrik in the courtyard but when she got there, the only boy she saw was Theon Greyjoy who, instead of practising with his bow and arrow, which she knew for a fact was his favourite weapon, was training his sword-wielding skills.

"You fight almost like a real knight", she teased, lifting both her eyebrows suggestively as pretended disinterest. He stopped and turned his head to face her, biting his lip as he realized who the owner of that voice was, as he always would. For him, everything was a joke.

"I am not a knight but I am a real soldier, My Lady", he replied in the same tone, putting his sword down and messing his hair. Lilia quirked a brow at his posture, walking towards him.

"Is that so? I've heard confusing reports"

Theon's face fell for a moment, the previous joking and cocky expression had been replaced by indignation.

"Given by whom?", he asked in a serious tone, following her with his gaze.

"Snowflakes", she joked playfully. She liked to annoy her father's ward, it gave her joy and amusement to do so... especially because he would notice and play along as had just happened. He was a very proud boy, in her eyes, too proud which could be seen whenever any of his skills or what he believed to be true was questioned.

His expression changed once again to a more cheerful and cocky one, just as the previous one.

"How curious", he sarcastically replied earning a grin from Lilia. He had played along just as she knew he would, just as he would always do. "Would you care to try?"

"My Lady Mother and Septa Mordane would kill me, it's not proper", Theon giggled at her refusal, as her ears turned red both due to the cold and irritation.

"I had not taken you for the obedient kind", he mocked, showing off by swinging his sword s she now grew angry. She crossed her arms waiting for him to stop but the moment never came as he deliberately kept going on as he stared her dead in the eye.

"That's because I'm not", she replied in an angrier tone, which earned a quirked brow from him. She looked at her hands which were covered with gloves. In Winterfell, everybody needed gloves... if one went out without them... they could be sick in hours with a cold and a fever, or simply burn their hands. "That and I never wielded a sword"

The confession made her cheeks burn not from embarrassment but anger as she had been forced to admit that she wasn't as awesome as she would like to be. Even Arya knew how to do it... remotely... she had once stolen one and Lady Catelyn had been furious when she learnt.

She hated to feel helpless and inferior to others and in that conversation, she did have the lower hand.

"Then, perhaps I could show you how to shoot an arrow", he suggested. Lilia's eyes narrowed as she stared at the boy, considering whether or not she would like to shoot that arrow. He waited with the same smirk as always on his face, the smirk she liked so much.

"That does indeed sound tempting, I shall take you up on that offer", she decided eventually, widening Theon's smirk, as well as boosting his ego. He handed her the bow and placed an arrow on it. Then, he positioned himself behind her figure.

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