Chapter 13

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Days had gone by and Lilia was currently sitting by the window of the great hall. The fire burnt low and the river was calm. The rain from that day had seized to an end days ago.

It had been three days ever since Robb had decided to execute Lord Karstark and she had not seen him ever since. She had repudiated the chambers that he had given her, insisting that she should take the chambers that had once been her Aunt Lysa's. She wanted him to understand that she would not stand beside him anymore, that she would not approve and smile over his unfortunate decisions.

So, she decided to leave the politics for those he would actually listen to and become the typical princess she had once been back at Winterfell. She would spend her days with a few ladies, both from the North and the Riverlands sewing, dancing, singing, reading and listening to music.

She had also donated the clothes her brother had given her to her ladies and to the good women that had been left fatherless, brotherless, motherless, childless and that were even dishonoured by the soldiers. They needed them more than she did. Besides, she was able to make new ones herself.

By speaking to the people, she had realized that they were facing now, more than ever, troubled times and that they knew that more was to come. She knew that as well, in fact, she knew it all too well as she looked at the window, watching as all the Karstarks left.

She would have said something, and she did. She asked Alys Karstark to stay, promising her prospects of a good marriage to her uncle, Edmure, but none of her offers could ever match a father's hug and she knew it all too well. As much as Karstark was an old, stubborn, vengeful man, he loved his children dearly and that had been his downfall.

She put down her needlework and decided to grab paper and ink, sitting at the table of the great hall and writing something she should have written weeks ago.

"Dearest Arianne,

I apologize for my late reply but it has been impossible to write to you for many reasons which I shall explain in this letter. But firstly, I wish you to know how much I've missed you and how much I could use your help and your company.

My journey to the Eyrie was turbulent. The ship sank and I was lucky enough to have survived. However, Winter Rose could not make it and now she is nothing other than a coat to the needy children of the Vale.

I arrived at the Eyrie and I was greeted by my Aunt, who despised my presence almost as much as Cersei Lannister did, which made her kick me out and send me to Riverrun which is where I'm currently staying.

I met my brother and my mother again and I can only tell you how happy and relieved I was to be reunited with them. But that relief quickly turned into worry as I found out my brother had been betrothed to a Frey girl only to repudiate her over a noble girl from House Westerling, a House that's pledged to the Lannisters.

All the plans I had for a marriage between you and my brother are gone just because he slept with a girl and wanted to be honourable about it.

I write to you to thank you for all you've done but I fear that I shall not live much longer, so please, shall anything happen to me and to my family, avenge yours and, if possible, protect my sister from those who would harm her. I know, it's a selfish request but it's one that I can only ask of you, as my greatest friend.

With love,

Lilia Stark, Princess of Winterfell and heiress to the North"

She put the quill down and waited for the ink to dry, folding the letter and melting wax on it, stamping it with the one sigil she had missed more than anything – the grey direwolf of Stark.

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