Chapter 9 | Catfighting

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Lilia had never been to a funeral.

It was odd though. She had been at an execution but never at a funeral... or at a wedding though she didn't know if it was something she particularly wanted. She was supposed to be at Sansa's wedding to Joffrey, but thanks to the Gods, they had not been cursed with such a ceremony.

Her mother had wept over Lord Hoster's death and Lilia had been there to embrace her. She knew what losing a father felt like, especially when he was loved by his children as Lord Hoster Tully had been. But now, Lady Catelyn stood firmly being every inch the Lady she was.

The Tully funeral ceremony was different than the ones people would do in the North. There were no crypts, there was no burial. The Tullys had a somewhat beautiful ceremony.

From what she had heard, being a Tully of Riverrun meant that they had been born in the river and so, they had to leave this world in a river. It was poetic. The tradition consisted of having the defunct lying on a boat which would float on the river and then, someone would shoot an arrow and the boat would catch fire, burning the body.

Or so it should be...

Lilia was currently standing in between her brother and her mother while wearing a black dress, as the custom was. The Queen in the North was standing a little behind them all, and if people hadn't known who Lilia was, they would have said that she was the Queen, which was a place she would gladly hand over to anybody else.

She noticed Ser Willem standing in a corner in the middle of the crowd as he nodded, as a way of giving him his condolences, she forced a small smile as a sign of gratefulness.

She watched as her Uncle Edmure burnt the tip of the arrow and shot it, missing the boat miserably.

Perhaps it's due to the pressure... or the grief, Lilia thought.

He tried again and the outcome was the same. She heard a tiny giggle from her brother and bit her cheek to contain herself, giving him a disapproving look, just like their mother had done.

Even I would have gotten it, she thought once again as he missed her grandfather's body for the third time.

Impatiently, Brynden Tully grabbed the bow Edmure was using from his hands and shot it, successfully hitting the boat and throwing the bow back to his nephew, leaving the ceremony soonly after.

Lilia watched as the flames took over the boat where the former Lord of Riverrun was, consuming his body as the ashes drowned in the river. Lady Catelyn closed her eyes as her father's body turned to ash, whereas Robb and Lilia watched the flames doom the boat. Their gaze landed on their mother, though she did not give in to her sorrow and grief, they both knew it was still there.

Lilia looked at Robb, asking him to forgive the woman from releasing the Kingslayer. It had not been wise, but he had made his fair share of mistakes for love. Nothing could compete with the love of a mother, especially not politics or strategy.

Robb's eyes were adverted from his sister's as he whispered something to Jeyne, who nodded. Lilia did not know what it was but she didn't know if she wanted to. It seemed serious but she decided not to wonder, he would tell her if he felt the need to.

"There is to be a council, I want you to be present", he whispered in her ear as she nodded. He offered her his hand, which she took as they left, being followed by their Uncle Edmure, the new Lord of Riverrun.

The servants would bow to them as they passed in the halls. When they reached the council room, Brynden Tully was already helping himself as he drank a cup of wine. He handed one to both Stark siblings, which they politely took. Robb drank all his wine at once, heading towards the windows and staring off at it.

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