Chapter 15

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"Why do you insist on donating everything your brother ever gave you?"

Lilia was currently in the council room with her mother as they awaited news from Robb, who was yet to get up. It was getting late in the morning but Lilia had come to realize that his wife would have probably left him occupied. She shrugged at her mother, keeping on sewing another dress for herself. It was blue like her mother's but the cut was quite different. It was the dress worthy of a princess with a fashion that Lilia had found right for herself. It had balloon sleeves and a heart-shaped neckline, complimenting her upper body. She was very proud of her work as she occasionally took various looks to see how it was turning out.

"I will not stand by his stupid decisions. Shall he ever ask for my help again, I will not give it. He doesn't listen to my counsel and it is not my place to advise a King. He has a wife, a mother and a whole council to do it, he doesn't need his little sister," she replied with hurt. Catelyn knew her daughter wasn't a big fan of her eldest brother as of the moment, but she hoped they would get back to being the friends they had once been. She felt as though they were always at odds with each other lately and she missed the times where they would not argue half as much and would actually enjoy the other's company.

As soon as Lilia finished, the doors were opened as the King entered the room. Lilia stood and bowed to him as despite not being content with him as of late, he still deserved her respect as her King. Still, she did not bother to face him, sitting on her chair as if nothing had changed.

Rudely, her brother threw a letter at her with her name written on the back very carefully. She was quick to turn it and find the seal she was hoping for – the spear piercing the bright sun – House Martell's sigil.

She broke it immediately and opened the letter with agility before her brother could say anything.

Dearest Lilia,

It pleases me to hear that you are alright and healthy next to your brother and mother. I'm very sorry, however, for the death of your direwolf, I know how much you cared for her and how much she reminded you of your father.

I will beseech my father and force his hand for you will not perish under my watch. You are too dear to me and to lose you would sadden me beyond words. I can't promise you that my father will send you any help but I can force his hand to at least make his intentions clear.

I trust you wish to know of Daemon. He is alright, a little sad after you left but he turned out alright as I trust you are yourself. Tyene and the rest of my cousins send you their regards as they miss you as much as I do.

Your title makes us equals, I suppose. It's nice to meet another princess who isn't a Lannister bastard born of incest. I trust you want to know about Myrcella as well, but all I will tell you is what I know... which is that she is very happy here and is getting along very well with my youngest brother.

I wish to hear more of you soon, my beloved friend.

Your friend,

Arianne Martell, Princess of Dorne and heiress to Sunspear

Lilia smiled throughout the letter and quickly pressed it to her chest almost in relief. Her letter hadn't been intercepted and that made her feel much better. The letter felt like happiness... happiness and a feeling she hadn't felt ever since she had left a place close to home... as far as it was geographically and climate-wise.

As she looked at Robb again, he took his pawns and put them on Casterly Rock.

"Casterly Rock?" Lilia asked out of shock, meeting her brother's bright blue eyes. "You plan to invade Casterly Rock? With whose forces?"

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