Chapter 6 | The Queen in the North

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So, I know I've been very inconsistent comparing to how frequently I used to post last year. However, this has a reason and no, this reason doesn't involve me catching the coronavirus (I'm not trying to be funny, I'm actually being serious).

I could say that the reason why I was away was that I didn't have the time or that I had online classes and despite all of that being true, the real reason I was away is that I felt trapped in the sense that I couldn't post.

I am currently in the middle of my finals season and this will be the end of school for me... not of my education, as I will be going to uni afterwards, but the fact that I'm finishing this chapter of my life in the middle of a global pandemic and in a time where the world seems to be catching fire isn't something very good (all those who graduated know what I'm probably feeling like). Still, this isn't the reason why I haven't been updating and the reason isn't that I didn't write anything because I did, in fact, just so that you know, I have finished writing this act and have headed towards the other for months now. The problem is that I felt as though I had to rewrite it.

This act was one of the acts I was most looking forward to write because it is the act that follows the end of the War of the Five Kings, something that in this fic is a huge thing for Lilia that makes a huge impact in her character arc. However, I could not deliver the excitement I felt and I butchered Lilia quite a lot. So, when I stopped to look at it, I could only see one option: I had to rewrite the story.

Now, I have this policy that is that I get almost to the finale of each story before actually posting it, or at least, to a point where I know I can keep writing at a pace that will not catch up with me posting the story. 

So today, after precisely two months and one day, I have brought you the sixth chapter of this story. I will not make any promises to you and I will not say that I will start updating more often because genuinely, I don't know. The reason why I can't promise you that is that I have fallen out of the fandom as I have enrolled in different fandoms and written different fanfics that will surely be coming out in a few months.

This note is abnormally large and I'm sure most of you just decided to skip it and head to the real chapter (and I don't blame you). So now, to those of you who stayed and read, thank you and enjoy the (SPOILER ALERT) emotional, adorable chapter!

Catelyn was heartbroken.

Two of her sons were killed.

She had no news of one of her daughters.

Two of her daughters were being held captive in the Capitol. One of those daughters was raped.

Out of her six children, only one was free and he had done what no man should ever do – he married a woman for love and she wasn't even powerful. She added nothing to the Stark cause.

If he had to fall into a woman's arms, why could it not have been Margaery Tyrell's? The wealth of the Reach would have been something that would contribute to their cause.

Weren't any of those things enough, and now her father was about to die after years of sickness.

She was currently sitting on a rock while making some sort of amulet to the Seven Gods, so they would listen to her prayers of protection for her children. Her heart ached more than it ever had up until that point.

Her son's wife approached her while struggling to mount down her mare. Catelyn nearly rolled her eyes at the girl as her thoughts were driven to her eldest daughter. Jeyne was a lovely girl but she should learn a thing or two from Lilia, one of those being how to ride a horse.

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