Chapter 11

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"Martyn! Martyn!"

Lilia opened her eyes abruptly at the sound of steel being drawn as the two siblings seemed to wake up to it as well. She swallowed hard as she wondered what would be of her because it could be anyone, Lannisters, Freys, Boltons, Karstarks, Umbers... even her own brother's men to bring the boys to the block.

When the door was shut open, Lilia watched as Lord Karstark killed the guard and two men grabbed the boys.

"Is this some rescue mission?" Willem asked confused until he saw the old Karstark. Lilia stood back in her feet and ran between Karstark and both siblings, in the middle of the whole mess.

"Get out of the way, girl!" he said as he pushed her away, yet she still managed to cross the man who angrily looked at her. Then, her eyes widened as she looked at Karstark. There was courage in her eyes, as well as ruthlessness and determination. She had her mother's look in her, the rage, the disgust by that man and Karstark wasn't stupid... he could see that as well even though he was blinded by the bloodthirst to avenge his boys.

"Or you'll do what? You will strike me down? Need I remind you of who I am? I am the daughter of your liege Lord Eddard Stark and sister to the King and he will kill you if you dare to take a step further against me or any of them!" she confronted the man. He would have listened, had it been any other occasion but he could not bear it. He could not sleep knowing that there were two Lannister lads there and that one of them would dig his claws in the North thanks to his King's stupid desires.

So, when his eyes met his men's, two of them held Lilia's body, who tried to fight them off, while the others went for the Lannisters. She watched as her betrothed and his brother fought helplessly for their lives, and she found herself pleading for them as well.

"The Lannisters have taken everything from me yet I stay strong, Lord Karstark! PLEASE, DON'T DO IT! PLEASE!" she screamed for mercy but despite Martyn's attempts at reasoning with them about being nothing but a squire and being at no fault for it, Lord Karstark could not care less. He was blinded by his twisted judgement.

He stuck his sword through both the boys, one in the heart the other one in the throat and then he let them both fall on the floor in a pool of their own blood.

"You will die for this!" Lilia said as tears streamed down her cheeks. Her body was shaking and rage fulled her. She didn't feel grief about the boys... she didn't know them enough to feel that way. However, she had watched two innocents being murdered right before her, none of them older than her.

For a moment, Lilia stopped to think about how miserable her life had become that she had to watch innocent people die right in front of her eyes. Why did she have to see all those deaths... all that blood that shouldn't even be spilt? There was no explanation but there were feelings... urges that made her wish to kill them all.

"You should be thanking me, I've made you a widow before you had to go through the trouble of becoming a wife"

The two men dropped Lilia on the floor and disappeared. She crawled next to the lifeless body of her betrothed as memories of her father's execution flashed through her mind. Watching his head roll down his body. However, that wasn't the worst thing. She had seen that happening many times... in her dreams, in her memories. The worst part was that the fact that two innocent boys had been murdered in cold blood was something that was considered normal. An eye for an eye, they'd say. She had thought that way before as well, but not anymore... not if that was what it took... the slaughter of innocents.

"GUARDS!" she said as she ran out of the cell. Her gown was stained with blood and her hair was as messy as it could get. All the charm and the somewhat dignity the Stark girl carried was gone and she did not mind. "SOMEBODY HELP! PLEASE!"

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