zola's first boyfriend

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sorry for my bad writing skills haha. i just wish there was more moments with meredith as a mom so i wrote some. they're not really in any order, just ideas in my head. i might do her other kids but comment ideas of what kind of moments you want to see!

mer's pov~
I'm sitting in my bed with my reading glasses on; I hear one of my kids in the doorway and I look up to see Zola.
"Hey Momma. Do you have to be at the hospital on Friday night?" she asks me.
"No," I answer cautiously because I have no idea where this is going.
"Yay! Can you drive me somewhere so I can hang out with my friend?"
"Sure, sweetie. Who? I can text her mom," I reply.
"Oh, you don't know him." she says as she skips back down the hallway.
"Him?? You're hanging out with a boy? Zola get back here!" I call out.
She slowly retraces her steps and sits on the foot of my bed after I motion for her to come back.
"Zola. Is this a date? Is he your boyfriend?" I ask, giggling. I am definitely not ready for this.
"Mom! No. We're  just talking and he asked me to hangout this weekend," she says.
"Well it kinda sounds like a date to me, hon. You're fifteen! It's okay, I mean you haven't even had your first kiss yet. Do you like him? Is he cute?" I ask, once again giggling. Moments like these with Zola were rare because of how much time i spend at the hospital. Yes, we had family interactions everyday, but moments just with her were uncommon.
"Yeah. I do like him," her voice gets quieter as she continues, "and actually I have had my first kiss. With him."
"You WHAT? When?? I'm your mom ZoZo! Tell me, please," I say, laughing, so she knows I'm not actually upset.
"Yeah I probably should have. It only happened a few weeks ago and I didn't really know how to bring it up in a conversation. Some kids in my class are already having sex so I figured it was about time to at least kiss a guy, ya know?" she says playfully.
"Awww Zola, honey, come here!" I say, opening my arms to her, "You weren't pressured into anything right? You are the boss. Don't ever date a man who can't hand your p-o-w-e-r."
"No, really, I haven't done anything," she responds.
"Okay. and i want you to come to me before you do anything with a guy you like. No monkey business, do you understand what I'm saying?" I ask, stroking her hair as she moved to put her head on my lap.
"Yes Mom. And I know where this is going. We had this conversation when I was like, ten," she tells me.
I can't believe my ZoZo is going on her first date. Derek always said he didn't want to be around for this, but neither of us actually thought he meant it. That's probably what's breaking my heart the most. Not that she was growing up, but that Derek wasn't there to see it. Walk her down the aisle. Go beat up the first guy who breaks her heart. That's what hurts the most.
"Okay, okay, you're right. Now, back to Friday night. Where are you going and what are you wearing?" I ask her.
"We're going to the mall and there's a movie theatre there, but I don't know what I'm wearing."
"A movie! That's romantic ZoZo. He's probably going to wrap his arm around you. Hold your hand. Maybe even kiss you again! Now we should probably find you something to wear."
"Okay, okay. We can find something tomorrow after school."
"How about those new jeans and that cute top Auntie Amelia got you for your birthday a few weeks ago?"
"The jeans, yes, but the top, no. It's too little kiddish. Sorry if that's mean to Auntie Amelia."
"It's fine. Go to bed and we'll find something another time," I say with a smile.
She gets up from the bed towards the door but before she leaves I manage to chime in:
"Don't forget to come for me before you do anything! Not right before, but before. please ZoZo, I get it, don't worry."
"Mooooom please stop," she begs, embarrassed.
"Use protection. Please. And also-oh god Zola please- don't get pregnant at fifteen," I add that last part with a smile just to mess with her a little more.
"Walking away now Mom! and I just kissed him! That's it!" she storms away. If she was actually mad I would check on her but I know she's okay.
Just as I thought the awkward conversations were over, Amelia walks in.
"Who's Zola kissing? Did you have "the talk" with her yet? And, oh god, please tell her not to get pregnant at fifteen. I had soooo many pregnancy scares at fifteen. and then I was a drug addict and then-" she rambles on before I interrupt her.
"Amelia! Stop. My daughter is not becoming you. No offense or anything."
"None taken. My mom hated me my teenage years."
"Same, but for different reason," I respond, "And back to the other topic, Zola has a date! With a guy from school."
"Oh the guy she kissed a few weeks ago? She's had a crush on him for a while now. Good!" she says cheerfully.
"How did you know about this and I didn't? I'm her freaking mother!" I ask angrily.
"I'm going to leave now. I seem to be doing more harm than good," she says quickly and runs out of the room before I can take the chance to yell at her.
I fall back on my bed and let out a big sigh as today's moments run through my head.

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