Chapter 1: Heroes (Part 1)

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Before we begin let me ask you a question, have you ever heard the story of the Hero and the Demon Lord? The one we hear as children about the Hero who saves the world from evil. The one where they travel across the plains and mountains, sail through seas and explore the long lost cities of old. Where they save the people from nightmares and monsters, going so far as to even rescue the damsel in distress. Finally they banish the Demon Lord away from the world and what follows is a time of peace and tranquillity. I loved those stories. So innocent and pure with colours that never crept into the murk of grey, where good and evil could be split by a dull knife. This isn't quite one of those tales. This is a story of magic, history and frankly boredom, because that's where it began, on a whim.

Chapter 1: Heroes

Lights spiralled around me and the ground shook but before long I was in an unfamiliar place. Four others stood near me, their clothes were weird, designs I had rarely seen before. They were like military uniforms that had been severely pacified. It was weirder still than the man sitting on a throne in front of us. A golden jewel encrusted crown sat atop his head and I couldn't help feel put off by his gaudiness. Of course I'd never show it on my face because fully armoured knights surrounded the room and magicians lined the front. I was starting to think that this may have been a bad idea even for me. Well, at the very least I'd escape with my life.

"Welcome Heroes," the King stood up and bowed slightly towards us. "We have summoned you in our time of peril in hopes that you can aid us."

"What the hell is going on!?" one of the males with weird clothes yelled. He was quite tall but couldn't be older than eighteen, well in human years at least. The other three with him were about the same age. Two female and two male in total.

"Please calm down," the King replied softly.

"How can we be calm!?" A girl with long black hair yelled clearly shaken, "Where am I? I was walking then..." Her mental state was clearly on the cuff of snapping. Well that would make sense if you were suddenly summoned to another world.

The other two however were calmer. Unlike the two who had already spoken they looked similar to each other and their uniforms were the same. Could they be friends, maybe siblings?

"As I said before we have summoned you to save our world." The king's expression lightened but a strain became visible between his brows. "Please hear our plea."

"He's right, if we freak out now everything is just going to get more confusing," the boy who had remained silent till now spoke.

"How are you so calm?" The first boy looked at him coldly.

"Ah well, it's that situation you know. Being summoned to save another world. I've read it in books and played games with that theme."

"Games? Books?" the first boy grabbed his collar, "Don't screw around with me. Does this look like a game to you?"

There was a slap and the taller boy was pushed away. It was the other girl. She had blonde hair and a strength to her eyes that was quite admirable for the situation.

"Don't grab my brother like that," she glared at the first boy to back down. I couldn't help but smile internally at guessing the pair's relationship.

"Ah sis, you don't need to be so viole-," her brother began but there was another slap and he shut up.

"And you, don't go mentioning weird stuff all of a sudden."

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