Chapter 8: Evil in many colours. (Part 4)

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Chapter 8: Evil in many colours. (Part 4)

Now I was back in Pranx, this was the harder part. If I showed up as the Demon Lord and wasn't also near the Heroes as one of them it would be suspicious. I focused my mana inside me and then split it apart.

"I am me and you are me. Together we are one." A figure began to split from my body. It looked exactly like me. Well it was because it was me. Right now my mind was split in two. I could see me staring at me from two different points of view. With a superficial nod, me and the other me split ways.

The clone me went to the Heroes.

"Hey, what took you so long?" Gary asked as I appeared.

"There was a cat," I replied innocently.

"A cat where!?" Sayuri perked up unexpectedly.

"It ran off, sorry."

She turned her head down in disappointment but quickly returned to normal. From there the clone me lead them towards the town centre. It was an open space with a single large fountain in the middle. It was also where Mr Parcel was at the moment. Our two groups neared each other, ours looking at them with disdain. That's when the sunny sky split apart as dark clouds rolled in and a roar of thunder echoed. There, above them, a figure appeared. A figure that did not belong. Floating in the air, with bright red hair, two short horns protruding upwards from his head, his body was armoured lightly with a black mantle lined with fur across his shoulders and in the centre of his chest was a golden stone. Yes, it was me in all my Demon Lord glory. This was the power of the Demon Lord's mantle and it certainly made me look the part. Not only was it almost indestructible, it created armour perfectly to size, changed my hair colour, gave me horns and most importantly was incredibly comfortable to wear. Well it also boosted my physical strength witch helped a lot as it was the one magic I couldn't use normally.

The Heroes looked up at me instantly. How could they not when such a presence of power appeared. Mr Parcel and his men froze at the sight of my magnificence and I laughed evilly. The clone me stood in front of the Heroes and spread his arms. In a panicked voice I began,

"Everyone run! That guy's the De-,"

I interrupted myself by teleporting right in front of me. My clone's face morphed to surprise and tried to use magic but I stopped myself,

"I'd like to introduce myself thank you," and with that I punted myself out of the town with an incredibly powerful kick. It was a peculiar feeling.

"You-," Carl started to yell but I put my foot down and everyone around me but Mr Parcel was sent flying to the edges of the town centre. His guards were knocked out instantly but as expected the Heroes quickly recovered.

Carl brushed off the dirt, "Who the hell are you and what did you do with Dave?" he reached into his bag and took out the dimensional chest. With a quick throw he gave everyone their weapons. I watched them with a smile.

"My name is Davarious First Born Light of the Autumn Wind, 26th Demon Lord of the High continent!" thunder and lightning roared through the sky. The Heroes flinched. "As for your friend I simply removed him from my sight. Unlike you four he could have been a bother."

There was a whimper beside me and Mr Parcel tried to run away but I snagged him with magic and brought him over. He floated in the air.

"I seem to have missed one of you," I smirked and span him around.

"Please stop!" he begged, "I have money, lots of money!"

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