Chapter 10: The Klerical Kingdom (Part 3)

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Chapter 10: The Klerical Kingdom (Part 3)

Aside: Gary and Magic:


Since we came to this world every day has been fun. Well it hasn't only been fun and games, we've trained a lot to survive and I've taken my fair share of pain. When we came here I had two big goals, one to keep my sister happy and safe, the second was to learn magic. The first one handled itself, though to be honest I wasn't sure what to do when she got into a fight with Carl. The second however has been damn hard work. From the games and novels I've read you don't ever get a good grasp on how they learn magic. In games you pretty much just click a button and poof you've learnt it and depending on what book they just say the characters figured it out. Well in reality it's painful, just like learning maths... although the rewards are so much better. I'm not sure where Dave's been pulling them from but whenever he teaches us magic he almost always has a book on it to help. It really helps past the time while we're travelling but sometimes I think my head will explode.

That aside we reached the Klerical Kingdom and we even met with the King. Since then it's been two days and we've been chilling in the palace. Dave's told us to be careful who we talk to but he's probably just worrying too much. Today however I was finally going to practice a new technique that I made Dave teach me. Teleportation! We were in the Palace's special inner courtyard where the King's personal Knights exercised.

"Okay are you ready?" Dave asked me and I returned it with a vigorous nod. "Then begin to gather your mana." I did as I was told. "Now you remember what comes next?"

"Yeah," I concentrated as I split the mana apart. I sent half of it away and let the other half surround me. The mana needed to be properly encoded with my desires and in the right order. Too much control and nothing would happen, not enough and I'd probably lose a limb during the jump.

"Okay all good so far. Now slowly join your mana together across space. Don't rush it and make sure that you've got all of you." I nodded again at Dave's advice. Sweat began to build across my forehead.

"You can do it Garr!" my sister yelled encouragingly.

"Not now Sis!" I snapped back frowning.

She laughed and sealed her lips throwing away the key.

"I'm going to do it now," I said nervously to Dave.

"Careful...." He had a suspicious smile on his lips. Whatever, it was now or never. I opened the path between my two mana sources and felt myself get dragged between them. It was the weirdest feeling like being stretched but fully whole and in an instant it was over. When I appeared I immediately noticed two things, one I felt kind of sick and two there was a very noticeable draft across my entire body.

Dave hit the ground in a ball of laughter. Sayuri had her hands over her eyes and turned around. Carl's eyes were wide and my sister froze, then she let out a puff of laughter,

"Well I haven't seen that in a long time."

"Ha?" There was a pile of clothing on the ground where I had just been. Yeah I was naked.... "Dave!" I yelled at him as I brought up the earth to cover me.

"You actually did it!" he laughed and slowly rose from the ground, "Did I forget to tell you to include your clothes?"

"You-!" I began angrily but told myself to calm down, "Don't just laugh pass me my clothes."

"Sure," he was still smiling as he handed them to me. This jerk! I'd get my revenge and it would be sweet, oh just you wait.

Aside End:

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