Aside: On the other side (Carl)

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Aside: On the other side.


When the light faded I was home. In the garden where I had disappeared more than half a year ago it was like nothing had changed. The flowers were blooming, the sun was setting and the skies were lined with familiar clouds. In my hands were a bag and necklace, the gifts from another world. I gripped them tightly in my hands, they were a reminder of all that happened. Like I thought I would be, I was alone. Alicia, Gary, Sayuri and Dave, the four friends that I had impossible adventures together were nowhere in sight. It was a strange feeling.

I took a deep breath and noticed something immediately. The air was different. It lacked something important, mana. So this is what Dave meant. Certainly just by standing here I felt weaker already, like a binding had been placed upon my strength.

"Master Carlton!?" the surprised scream came from the shed as our family's butler emerged. He rushed towards me and began inspecting me for injuries, "Where have you been? You're parents have been worried sick."

"I'm fine Allan," I smiled. "Could you please tell me the date?"

"The date? Why it's the 25th of March. You disappeared two days ago."

Two days? I was surprised. Dave had said he would be able to send us relatively to same time we left but I thought he had meant months not days. Just one more thing I had to thank him for when we saw each other next.

"Are my parents home?" I asked.

"Yes, there are in the living room. They'll be extremely happy to see you. We feared you were kidnapped," he gestured for me to follow him. "Please hurry, we do not want them to worry another second."

I followed him obediently with a cold sensation in my chest. This was the hard part. Just how the heck was I meant to explain where I had been. Hi mum and dad, I went to another world where I was a Hero and fought against monsters and armies. That wouldn't work one bit. I also didn't want to lie after all this time.

Before I knew it, I was already inside and Allan opened the door to the living room. My father and mother were sitting down with their heads in their hands. A guilt crossed my heart instantly.

They looked up. At first they couldn't believe what they were seeing but as they stood their eyes widened,

"Carl?" my mother yelled, "Carl you're home!" She ran and enveloped me in a tight hug. My father did the same. Even more so than my mother he was an emotional man and was already tearing up.

"Just where have you been?" he cried.

"Ah umm...." I wracked my brain as they finally let go. "I'm sorry I didn't come home and I didn't call you." I bowed my head.

"We're just glad you're safe home, but please tell us where did you go?"


"Carl?" my father looked at me concerned again now his relief had died down.

I steeled myself, "I've fallen in love!"

"Excuse me?" my mother replied shocked.

"The reason I was missing. I met an amazing girl I just couldn't let go. If I went home she could have disappeared forever so I stayed by her side until the last moment I could." Well I wasn't completely lying.

"A girl? Just who and why? Even if it's for love we were beyond worried, we even called the police. Couldn't you have just called us?" Their expressions were a mix of shock, anger and a slight understanding.

"I lost my phone and wasn't in a situation I could contact you...."

"Then where is this so called girl now?" my mother asked dubiously.

"She went back home to Australia," I answered truthfully. "Her name is Alicia Stallworth."

"...." My parents stared at me and finally my father sighed, "Like father like son."

"Huh?" I replied dumbly.

He took my mother's hand, "It reminds me of when I met your mother. It was a different time without mobile phones or the internet but it was during a family holiday. I disappeared for three days to spend more time with her."

"Yes I guess we can't blame him," my mother smiled as she stared into my father's eyes. She turned back to me, "Still... you're grounded for a month and until we meet this 'Alicia' ourselves we cannot guarantee if we'll accept your relationship."

"O-of course," I nodded. This had gone a lot better than I had expected it would. Being grounded for a month wasn't a big punishment at all in the grand scheme of things.

"Also you're teacher called to remind you of the upcoming tests. Just because you have been gone don't think you're excused."

"...." I hoped the others were faring better.

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