Chapter 25: The Miltis Empire (Part 6)

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Chapter 25: The Miltis Empire (Part 6)

Davarious First Born Light of the Autumn Wind:

I flew high in the sky and gazed down at the battlefield before me. It was the frontlines and the Allied armies clashed with the Miltis Empire in droves. From my position I could see the intricate pattern of movements and the commanders of both sides yelling their orders. Correction I could see one of the commanders yell their orders as the other one collapsed from a suspicious spear that had descended from the heavens... yeah that was me.

The Miltis Empire quickly became overwhelmed in panic as their commander hit the ground. Don't worry I didn't kill him, just wounded him very badly. His magicians and guards were looking up towards me aghast that I could pierce their defences. Well, time to move on. This was just one of the many battles occurring.

After I left my father and grandfather to lead our own army I teleported to the Klerical Kingdom Capital as it was closer to the frontlines. Teleportation was a tricky form of magic. I could only go to places I knew well or places I'd marked beforehand, at least for long distance. If I could I'd rather have went straight to the Heroes. Unfortunately I had to spend several hours traveling. The distance was vast and would take a normal person several days. The fact the Miltis Empire had managed to push their way through such a vast area was a testimony to their preparation and prowess. Truly even the battles we planned weren't going as smoothly as we wanted.

I continued to fly towards the border passing the other major town the Miltis Empire had captured. This one had been left to Lisanna and her knights. She was standing on the roof of the church as her knights formed a protective line outside the walls. Her eyes locked onto me as I passed and she waved. I flew down.

"What's up?" I asked.

"Nothing much," she replied. "Just wondering how the Empire managed to conquer so much of the world with knights this weak." She gestured downwards where a pile of silver armoured knights were stacked unconscious. "They did this whole 'Chosen Knights' thing but they weren't even much better than my weakest."

"I know what you mean, something isn't right," I shook my head. "They have to have something or someone in reserve."

"They have numbers but that's it. Until we discover what it is, I'm going to suggest we don't push our forces too hard."

"Before the days out I'll try find the answer. Until then, don't do anything rash."

She reached over and pinched my cheeks, "Oh how cute, worrying for me. Look who's grown up."

"Ah not here, stop," I pushed her hands away. "I'm leaving now."

"Be safe."

"You too." That was usually where I'd let out a confident parting scoff, where I bragged how strong I was but something wasn't right and my heart couldn't settle down. From what I had seen so far, though we weren't dominating everywhere, we hadn't had any major setbacks. Our only problem was that we were spread a little thin but as long as we kept pushing the advantage that wouldn't be a problem.

I took off again and went straight for the Heroes. Even though I was using up my mana supply quite a bit by flying so much and so fast, something was telling me not to dawdle anymore. After an hour of flying the town came into sight. It was still far off but a huge wave of energy spat out from the town and I hurriedly went faster. It felt like Gary's mana... and he was desperate.

The scenery became clearer. A few thousand Miltis Empire soldiers were lined outside but between them and the town the landscape had been gouged and torn apart. Huge chunks of earth were missing and trees had been thrown about like toys. Just what happened? Another wave hit me and I rushed in that direction. The mana trace was foreign but it was sure potent.

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