Untitled Part 3

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“You brought a friend?” Ashley questioned.

“He not a fr-“

“I’m her friend” he cut me off.

“so he’s not taken then?”

“I don’t know if he is or not” I said shrugging.

“He’s hot” she stated looking him over. He raised an eyebrow at her, not replying. I went to the stairs, and he followed.

“Don’t have too much fun honey” she called after me.

“no promises” I went to my room and opened the door turning around.

“Thanks” I said.

“I don’t get invited in”


“Come on, I’m your friend” he mocked.

“I’m tired”

“So will I see you tomorrow?”

“Probably not”

“Why not?”

“you might see me around campus but-“

“Okay” he said cutting my babbling off.

“Good night”

“Night” he replied, I closed my door and took a really hot bath letting the hot water calm me down. I collapsed in bed and went into a deep sleep. I woke up around 9, it was Saturday so no class. Yay.

Lacey wasn’t home which means she probably hooked up with some guy. Due to Lacey behind rich out little room had a small living room/ kitchen and two rooms off to the side. I yawned going to the living room. I jumped seeing Gage on my couch.

“Shit, what the fuck Gage!” I said clutching my now pounding heart. He looked really good, instead of a hoodie and sweaters he was in jeans, vans, a beanie containing his mess of waves, a maroon hoodie that showed off his muscles and black earrings in his ears.

“Nice to see you too” he mused.

“What the fuck are you doing in my room, Jesus Christ you scared the fucking shit out of me” I said now extremely aware of his eyes trailing down to the big sweatshirt that fell over my bare shoulder and stopped in the middle of my thighs.

“I came for my jacket” he told me.

“Oh, hold on” I said holding I finger up and went back into my room, I pulled on some athletic shorts and a t-shirt and grabbed his jacket

“here” I said handing it to him.

“Do you want to go eat breakfast with me?” he asked me.

“Like… a date?”

“Could be” he answered giving me a bright smile I couldn’t say no to.

“how did you get in my room?” I asked.

“I picked the lock” I rolled my eyes.

“Let me go put clothes on” I said and made sure to close my door. I pulled on ripped faded jeans and a flannel and then pulled my combat boots on and put on my old letterman.

“Carter! Why is there a hot guy in our living room?” I heard Lacey yell. I went to the living room. She was standing there barefoot, her shoes in her hand, her clothes disheveled with sex hair.

“Oh, uh Gage meet Lacey, Lacey meet-“

“I know who he is” she told me. “Wait what the hell happened to your face?” she asked me her mouth opened gaping at the rather sore bruise on my face.

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