Chapter Three

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A Black SUV stopped in front of St. Louis entrance catching all the attention, Rey stepped out the car, walking down toward the passenger seat he gave his hand to her.

"Welcome back Mrs. Singhania" Rey said in huskiest tone, sending shiver down her spine. She looked at him but his gaze was fixed on her neck. The look of anger crossed through his hazel noticing she wasn't wearing her mangalsutra, he felt rejected again.

"Why didn't you wear your mangalsutra?" Rey hissed angrily, Taani removed her scarf little and showed him her mangalsutra which she had hide behind her scarf. How could she remove the holy thread, its means a lot to her even though she was forced in this marriage but she can never disrespect this sacred relation by denying this marriage, She is his now, he is her husband which she had accepted somewhere deep down in her heart.

"Rey you never believed in all this things before than why now?" Taani asked him looking at his intimidating figure hovering over her, she was still sitting inside the car. Rey leaned close to her.

"Now I do believe. Any problem?" Rey replied tucking the strand of her hair behind her ear. Taani nodded negatively, His close proximity sent tingling sensation through her. He let his fingers caress her cheeks, loving the feel of her soft skin under the tip of his fingers.

"Come" Rey command held his hand out for her, Reluctantly taani took it and stepped out of the car, earning gasps from students standing there, they were shocked to see her back that too with Rey.

Rey intertwined his fingers with her and they walked inside, ignoring the whispers of students who start gossiping seeing them together. Taani was uncomfortable with their curious stares but chose to ignore them as that was the best options she had.

"We have to complete some formalities " Rey told her as they walked toward the administration office. They reached their, the lady in charged there handed her some form to sign as Rey had already filled all the forms for her re-joining.

"Taani Reyaansh Singhania" Taani whispered seeing her name in the form. She turn to look at him with questioning gaze.

"Girls use their husbands name after marriage. Don't they?" Rey asked smirking at her. Taani avert her gaze from him sign the form and submit it and complete other formalities.

"Don't you have rehearsals?" Taani asked him as they come out of the office.

"Yes and we are going there only" Rey told her, he intertwined his fingers with hers as they started walking toward the rehearsal hall. Students were staring at them or at their intertwined hands. The news of her comeback spread in whole college like fire. The nervousness with mixture of fear rose in her, she tighten her hold on him. Wondering will her brother understand her this time or like every other he will support other over her.

They were near they heard voices from inside, Taani stopped in her tracks when she heard them talking about her.

"Guys now taani is gone, I was thinking we should found some perfect girl for Rey, the girl should be a dancer like him, equal to him in every way" They heard Vicky's voice, probably every soul inside rehearsal hall agreed with him.

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