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She inhaled a deep breath. She was back, back in the city that held so many memories, some good and some bad. She look behind and saw him cuddling their 3 months old baby girl in his arms, he kept his hand above her head, preventing harsh sun rays to fall on her. She smiled at his caring nature, he was perfect, a perfect son, perfect friends, perfect husband and now a perfect father.

Driver kept their luggage in car while they sat on backseat. TaanI look at the serene scene beside her, Rey was making cute faces to bring a smile on their daughter's face. Life has changed so much in 4 years. After she got married to love of her life Rey they left for london and settled there. Things have changed after that specially between her and Rey. They are more close to each other now, understanding each other like no one can and their love it has just increased by each passing moment.

"Rey we are going to our home first. Right?" TaanI asked him gaining his attention.

"Yeah from there we will leave for wedding venue" Rey answered her, taanI nodded and look out of the window. They came india to attend her brother swayum and sharon's wedding. First she wasn't comfortable in coming back here but then it was her brother's marriage, she didn't wanted to bring bitterness in this special occasion and she hoped that this bring her close to her brother again.

"Rey how will everyone react seeing us after so many years?" TaanI asked him, after they shift london she wasn't in contact in anyone except her parents and tauji-taiji.

"They will be happy specially swayum. You have no idea how excited he is to see you both" Rey told her, as a friend he was in contact with his friends. TaanI smiled but nervousness bubbled up inside her. She was going to meet her brother after 4 years.

"Don't worry. Everything will be okay" Rey assured her sensing her nervousness, he kept his hand on her and tighten his grip on her hand. Rey knew she is going through alot mentally, she is going to meet same people who had always hurt her, misunderstood her.

"Hope so" TaanI mumbled as she took her baby in her arms.

"Pari" TaanI kissed her baby's forehead, with her daughter she forget everything, every worry. Rey wrapped his arm around her and smiled at his perfect family. He was blessed to have a girl like taanI in his life, who accepted him with all his flaws. She changed him for good.


In evening Rey entered in his room, they were ready to leave for the wedding venue. He saw her sitting on bed with their daughter on her lap, she was breast feeding their daughter. She was dressed in beautiful royal making her look no less than a queen.

"You look beautiful" Rey compliment her in his husky deep tone, she took a sigh of relief realizing its him. Rey sat on bed behind her, her cheeks heat up and she pulled down her saree pallu little covering her front.

"You still feel so shy in front of me?" Rey voiced out his amusement, his girl surely knows how to make him go crazy for her shy nature.

"Rey" She hit his arm playfully as he kissed her red as cherry cheeks. After she was done with feeding pari Rey took his daughter in his arms.

"My princess is looking like an angel" Rey admired his daughter dressed in cutest white colored dressed, he had the proud look in his eyes while gazing down at his child, symbol of their love.

TaanI smiled at the sight of father-daughter duo. She kissed his cheek and got up from her place, adjusting her saree properly. Rey smirked seeing her he placed his daughter on bed gently and stood up behind her.

"And my queen, I don't even have words to describe your beauty" Rey whispered placing light kisses on her neck making her sigh in pleasure. His touch felt heavenly.

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