Chapter Five

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"God! I'm your favorite child, still you did this to me? I didn't want our marriage to be like this. I wanted to go home but what you did, You made him force me to marry him, It was so wrong. Kabhi kabhi toh lagta hai mera mumbai aane ka decision hi wrong tha, It had created so many misunderstandings, between him & his friends, me & bhai, everything is messed up because of me. Its better I leave from here, there is no one for me, no one understands me. And Rey... I know he will also leave me again for his friends seeing they are against our marriage." Taani was crying while talking to her krishnaji. She was determined to leave the city for good, the events that had happened in her life since she came mumbai, all had made her feel she don't belong here. She felt so lonely here.

Taani took her clutch and left the home, praying he won't come back soon or else only god knows what he would do in anger. She didn't wanted to leave like this but that moment she didn't had any other option. Rey was in state to understand her, he was battling with his own fears or ego to let her go.

She called the cab to station and left. Left her everything behind. But little did she knew she wasn't going anywhere any soon because her husband had come to know about her leave. She was on her way when a speedy black SUV came and blocked cab's path making cab driver to press the break hard. She jerked forward and was shocked seeing her husband's car right before the cab she was in. She slightly shiver in fear thinking what will happen now.

An angry rey stepped out the car and moved toward hers. She was staring at him, wondering how he come to know she was leaving. Rey throw some money on driver then opening the backside door he pulled her out by holding her arm. Taani stumble on her step and hold his shoulder for support. Rey with one arm around her Rey took her clutch from back seat then shut the door hard. Taking the signal from him cab driver drove away not wanting to become prey of his anger.

"Rey.." Taani started to say but he placed his index finger on her lips, seeing the anger in his eyes she lowered her gaze. Rey never felt so angry before. Why she always wants to leave him even after knowing he will be a lifeless soul with out her. She knows he is so incomplete without her yet she wants to keep herself away from him.

"Not here Taani. first lets go home" Rey told her, anger was dripping from his voice. Rey drag her toward his car and made her sit inside. Taani was silent and scared.Rey sat inside the car and harshly drove away to home. Their journey till home was silent, both were lost in their thoughts. His, wondering how to make her believe she is the one for him and hers how to calm his anger before he burst. Rey parked hi car in front of his house and come out of the car. Walking toward the passenger side he opened the door, anger was visible on his face. Taani stare at him, trying to read what was going on his mind.

Without waiting for another minute Rey scooped her in his arms, he had no patience left in him, her tries to go away from him were forcing the beast to come out. Taani was surprised but chose not to say anything. He took her inside the house directly in their room.

"Rey listen to me" Taani said gaining his attention, but he glared at her return and made her stand on her feet.

"What do you want me to listen? Rey ko kaise chhod kar jana hai" Rey said sarcastically angry tone. Rey took step toward her causing her to take two step backward.

Rey pinned her to the cupboard behind them. His grip was tight on her shoulder. She look into his eyes, they were asking for an answer. Taani knew somewhere its wrong on her part to not to give a chance even after her being married to him. Not that she didn't wanted to give this marriage a chance but she was scared, This marriage means a lot to her even though she was forced but what about him? Did he really married her out of Love or because his ego was hurt?

"Why you married me? Do you really want me as your wife?" Taani asked him low tone. Hearing her question Rey decreased the gap between them, their bodies were plastering to each other.

"I didn't want to lose you. I never wanted to marry you forcefully but you forced me to take that step and i have no regret. You are here where you belong and I'm not letting you go Mrs. Singhania" Rey replied back. The way he said Mrs. Singhania sends shivers down her spine. Rey looked at her, her insecurities were visible in her eyes.

"If you have any slightest doubt regarding this marriage then today I will remove that too and throw that leaving me thoughts out of that pretty head of yours, you are not going anywhere and for that if i had to tie to down on bed then i will do that too" Rey told her, her eyes widen no knowing what he is going to do next. She gasped when he took her lips in a hungry aggressive kiss. Oozing out his every emotion in that one kiss. She could feel anger, hurt, pain and Love in that kiss.

Rey kissed her aggressively taking her lower lip between his teeth and bit it making her moan in pain. Her hand fisted his shirt tightly. Rey removed her scarf and threw it away on the floor. Rey broke the kiss and looked into her eyes. He hold her chin and made her face him. To shy and nervous to say anything she drop her eyelids. She was confuse, why she wasn't pushing him away when she didn't wanted him then why she was accepting his touch.

"Kya mujhe Rey ko ek chance dena chahiye?" Taani thought to herself, all this was so confusing. One side she couldn't stop loving him and on the other side she couldn't bring herself to trust herself with love again. She was scared, scared to love again or accept she still love him in the same way. Will he break her heart again? Will he stop hurting her? And most important will he once again forget her in shadow of his dance and friends. She knew she was wrong in thinking like that but she couldn't stop herself, she didn't want live that way, for once she can live without him but not with him ignoring her because of his friends. She knew they can never be friends, Some or other point he had to chose between her n his friends. Was he ready for this? Will he chose her above them?

She came back into reality when she felt herself in the air, Rey took her in his arms and took her to bed and made her lay down. Rey removed his shirt and joined her in bed. He came top of her, taking her fragile body beneath his hard muscular one. Rey took her both hands in his one and pinned them above her head.

Rey pulled her in aggressive kiss, taking her lower lip between his teeth he tug it, making her squirm beneath him as current pass through her body as he touched tender breasts harshly, His touch was rough yet she felt safe. Confusion crept in her mind thinking why she was accepting his touch? shouldn't she feel disgusted with his touch even after what he had done to her? But the feelings she was experiencing right now were far away from disgust, It was something pure and pleasurable. How much she deny but she can never deny him & his love and that had become her destiny now. Every time she tries to go away from him but fate always pushed her more close to him. Is it a sign that they are meant to be?

Unconsciously she wrapped her arms around him as he freed her hand. She pulled him more close to her, submitting herself to her husband, showing her trust in his which broke his reverie and made him realize what he was doing in his anger. He never her like that, he wanted her to submit to him on her own, not in fear of his anger. Rey broke the kiss and look at her, he frown when he saw her lost in her thoughts.

"Taani" Rey groaned in her ear, breaking her reverie, She looked into his darkened orbs,The intensity they held shook her.

"I want our first time to be special not like this, when I'm angry and you are scared. I want you to remember our first time with special happy memories, not with regret" Rey said to her, bringing her smile at her face as she saw her old Rey in him again, giving her hope that her rey is still there behind the anger and dominance.

"Thank you Rey" She mumbled with smile making him smile at her in return, his anger melt away immediately. How can he stay angry at her after seeing that breath taking smile.

"I'm going for a drive, I need to calm myself but promise me, You won't try to escape again" Rey said, the dominance was there in his voice. But this time she chose to ignore as she was seeing her Rey in him. It made her happy and realized she can never go away from this, he is the true owner of her heart.

"I promise" Taani promised, She had realized she can bring her rey back only by staying with him, not away from him. She can make him realize his mistakes and help him to repent, she will stand by him till then but after that if he decide he don't want her then she will leave without any regret or pain.

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