Chapter Eight

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Rey took taani and his mother out for lunch, both the important ladies in his life were happy and he loved how they both accepted each other and their bond was getting stronger by each passing time. They were having there lunch, Rey was silently listen to there talks as both were busy in talking to each other. They were having peaceful lunch when someone called him, he looked behind and was surprised to see Sharon-Swayum there.

"Aunty" Sharon whispered in shock seeing his mother there happily having lunch with taani and rey.

"Sharon! How are you beta? Come join us" Sakshi spoke in motherly tone, she know sharon since her childhood. Sharon smiled and sat on chair beside her and pulled swayum too and made him sit beside her, he was sitting between her and rey.

"Taani what are you doing here? Aren't you happy after what you have done and now forcing yourself on other?" Swayum asked her. Taani lowered her head and stare at her plate. She couldn't believe her own brother said that to her. She always cared for him but do she really deserve this kind of behavior in return.

"She came with me Swayum. Is there any problem?" Sakshi asked him, she knew everything now how her own brother mistrusted her and his friends also blamed her.

"You accepted this marriage?" Sharon asked in shocked tone, not believing his mother had accepted that forced marriage.

"Sharon you are asking right question to wrong person. Instead of me you should be asking taani that" Sakshi said to her, feeling bad for taani because of her son's one mistake her own brother is not trusting her.

"Why? She is the one who forced him to marry" Sharon said angrily.

"Sharon it will be better if you stop interfering in my personal life, instead concentrate on your own" Taani snapped at her rudely. She was tried of people interfering her personal life and judging her.

"Taani don't talk to sharon like that" Swayum retorted at her, Rey didn't like it, was about to snapped at him but before he could taani spoke.

"I will, she isn't somewhere's queen. If you want me to respect her then first tell her to earn that respect" Taani stated angrily, shocking everyone, it was first time she talked to her brother like that. Ignoring everyone she got up from her place.

"Maa, mein ghar jaa rahi hu" Taani told sakshi, her mood was low which was clearly visible on her face, without giving chance to anyone to spoke she left the place hurriedly.

"Swayum why you never tried to know truth? Don't you trust your sister and easily believed your sister can stoop so low just to get Rey?" Sakshi asked him in calm tone. Swayum stare at her with surprised expressions.

"Aunty I know how much crazy she is for Rey. She can do anything for him"Swayum said to her, sharon nodded in agreement.

"If you think so then i feel sorry for you swayum. You never understood your sister but i really hope you realize your mistake soon" Sakshi said and stood up from her place, Rey followed her, he wanted to tell them truth but her promise was stopping him. He couldn't take the guilt anymore, he wanted to tell them he was at fault not her.


It was night time when Rey entered inside their bedroom,

Rey saw her standing near the window, gazing out with lost expression, he felt heavy at heart. He went and hugged her from behind.

"I'm sorry taani because of me everyone misunderstood you" Rey whispered with pain in his eyes. Taani turn hearing him and shook her head negatively.

"Rey there is nothing you could do to make someone trust other and same goes here. There is no trust left in my and bhai's relation. I accept i lied to him about this marriage and i have no problem with him thinking I'm wrong but I haven't given right to him or sharon to interfere in my personal life and judge me when i don't interfere in their lives and tell what to do. I'm tired of people taking decision on my behalf. I'm not a kid, I very well understand what is right n wrong"Taani spoke her heart out. Everyone need their personal space so was she, interfere of her his friends in their lives its something that irritate and somewhere made her insecure about their relation too.

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