Chapter 3- What a Cutie

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Kurtis' POV-

My father stood over a helpless man who was holding his head in pain.  My father had just slapped him for asking to go get water.  My father and I were keeping guard one one of the concentration camps.
"I'm sorry sir!"  The man shivered in fear to be hit with the whip that my father held.  My father only scolds at him before handing me the whip.  My father's extremely frightening figure nods for me to do something to the man.  The only problem is I truly didn't want to.  I never want to hurt someone as badly as these Nazi's hurt innocent people.
Luckily, my father walks away, leaving mea and the man alone with the other 'prisoners'.  I drop the whip and stoop down to help pick up the man.  He is frail and extremely light for what he should be.  I hand him my flask I have filled with water for him to drink.  "Thank you, thank you young man."  He smiles before gulping the water.  I expected him to drink it all, but he turned around towards another man who seemed much weaker than him.  He frowns before a smile once again spreads across his shivering lips.  "May I give my boyfriend the rest, sir?"  My eyes widen at the word boyfriend.  "You're in here because you're gay?" I frown at the older man.  He only nods waiting for me to say something. "Of course, go give your mate as much as is left..."  I smile at him as he runs off to his partner urging him to drink. 

After he returns the flask to me I sigh.  If anyone found out he was a part of that minority he would be a goner. 
Before I could think of the posibilities of my torture as a gay man, a truck pulls up a few yards away from my letting out several boys who arn't older than 18. It was odd, usually only older men come to this concentration camp. 
Each of the boys filed out, each holding someone close to them.  However, what catches my eyes is a male my age holding tightly to a small boy who looked barley 3.  The boy had brown hair and beautiful green eyes that were filled with exhaustion, but he continues to hold the small boy who was still sound asleep.  I frown at the state all of them were in.  Tired, already hungry from the journey here.  It pains me to see anyone like this.
I'm pulled once again from my thoughts as the boy I admired early yelped.  My father stood next to him, he had the boy's wrist held tightly , the other holding onto the smaller child.  "Let go of the boy son."  My father tells him sternly only to receive a shaking head. My father only sighs as he hits him over the head hard enough for him to feel dizzy, but not to fall. 
"I'm not letting go of my brother!" His voice was high, yet graspy.  If he drank some water he would sound like an angel.  He trips slightly holding onto his brother tighter.  THe boy in his arms wakes up with tears in his eyes.  I frown before rushing over. 
"Father?"  I look to my dad handing him his whip.  "May I deal with these two?  Then assign him to his cell?"  I point at the short boy that is now in front of me glaring. 
My father nods, and I nod back.  "Follow me boy."  I try to say in my sternest voice to him.  He complies although he obviously isn't intimidated. 

I walk him into the small building where the men stay.  I stand close to him to look as if I'm escorting him.  "Please, don't take my brother from me..."  His voice is shaking as if he's gonna cry.  "He's all I have now..."  I frown at them.
"I wouldn't dream of splitting up such a cute family.  If it were up to me none of this would be happening."  I speak soft and low so no one but the two next to me can hear.  "My name's Kurtis, you can call me Kurt when we aren't in front of anyone." 
"Liam... and this is Leon."  Liam tells me bouncing his brother in his arms. 
"Bubby, where is momma?"  Leon asks Liam, only receiving a frown from me and a hum from his brother.  Leon frowns, crying into Liam's chest. 
"Liam, why are you with your brother here?"  I ask the small boy.  He points to the star over his heart, and I nod. 

The rest of the way is silent, although it isn't awkward.  I open the cell for Liam and his brother, and step in with them.  "There will be two others staying in this cell with you, they are two older men.  Don't worry though, they are the nicest people here."  I say as I slip leftover bread slices from my pocket into Liam's pillow.  I make sure he sees so he knows that this was a treat, and that it might not be given to him in a long time. 
He nods sitting on the bed smiling up at me.  "Thank you Kurt.  You're lovely."  His small voice speaks as I shut the cell, and walk away.  Butterflies swarming my stomach.

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