Chapter 12-

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I open my eyes to someone shaking me awake. I let out a small grunt moving my arms from around my little brother who has begun to stir awake.

Breakfast time, Bunny. Kurts voice rings into my ears, as he grabs my hands pulling me to an upright position.

Okay okay. Did Richard leave yet? I speak in a sluggish voice.

Yeah. Judith has already left for work too. Grace made us breakfast then went out for groceries. Axel is still here downstairs eating his breakfast because he woke up late. Kurt crawls out Leon following behind then I do the same.

I let out another yawn as I come out of the dark space. Before I can rub the sleep from my eyes, and get used to the light, Leon has already run downstairs. I let him go though, and stay next to Kurtis rubbing my eyes harshly. Im still sleepy from all the walking yesterday I frown looking up at Kurtis, who now that I notice it, is in a different shirt than when we arrived yesterday.

Kurtis picks me up and places his hands under my butt to keep me from falling. I wrap my legs and arms around him in surprise that he picked me up . Well, Ill carry you down then. Kurtis gives me a smirk, making my cheeks burn up.

I wrap my arms around his neck, and stuff my face in between my arm and his neck to hide my blush. Earning a hearty chuckle from Kurtis, I pull slightly on his blonde hair for laughing at me.

However, instead of acting surprised or yell at me, he moves one of his hands to my head, and tug on my brown hair.

I let out an airy grunt, that sounded more like a moan, into his neck. He laughs harder at this, and carries me downstairs into the kitchen, where Leon was trying to talk to Axel.

Me and Bubby live in a house like dis. For a 2 year old Leon had a large grasp on talking, and can pull it off very well.

Why are yall in our house if you have your own? Axel replies to Leon while eating a piece of toast.

Leon doesnt seem to mind the question, as he is distracted eating his own food. I dunno. The men made us leave. I frown as Leon says that. Kurtis rubs my head slightly and puts me down giving me a sad smile.

I sigh and walk to the table giving Leon a kiss on the cheek, and sitting next to him. Hi Axel, its nice to finally formally meet you. I give the child a forced small before starting to eat.

Kurtis pulls out a chair and starts to chow down as well. Hi mister Liam. Mommy told me that was your name. Nobody is gonna be home for a couple of hours, thats what mommy told me to tell you guys when you came downstairs. Axel finishes his food.

Thank you buddy. He goes to grab his and Leons now empty plate before I stop him. Hey Axel, can you do me a favor? I give Axel a hopeful smile.

He nods still holding the plates with his small hands. I can clean up here. Can you and Leon go play something in the living room? I dont want Leon to get bored, and be all cooped up in a room. Axel smiles wide and sets down the plates, seeming relieved he didnt have to do chores. He grabs my little brother's hand, and they both take off to the living room which was a room over.

Ill help you clean up, Bunny. Kurt mumbles through the bread stuffed into his mouth.

I laugh, and continue to eat.

After we finished eating and cleaning our dishes, Kurtis and I made our way to the living room. Leon and Axel had toys scattered out on the floor, seeming to be playing some sort of airplane game.

A song was playing from a record player that Axel must have turned on. I recognized the song well, Well Meet Again by Vera Lynn. I smiled at the song and swayed to the lyrics.

May I have this dance, kind sir? Kurtis stood next to me with his arm outstretched towards me.

I giggle and nod putting my hand in his. He pulls me close to him and sets his hands on my waist, while I set my hands on his shoulders.

I push the dysphoric thoughts of how terribly feminine my role in this dance is, and the fact his loose hands gripped my hips lightly. I focus on his blue eyes that seem to push all the thoughts of negativity away. His peach lips smile down at me as we both sway to the music occasionally taking a few steps to the rhythm. A dimple is implanted on his left cheek from his smile, and his eyes squinted in peacefulness.

I feel myself getting comfortable in our position, and I lay my head on his chest. No worries of the war that raged outside this family's closed doors. Just his body pressed against mine, and the music in the background.

Never in my life have I ever felt so at peace. The feeling of flying crosses my feet as we dance together. Nothing could ruin such a perfect moment in my eyes- well except for two little boys giggling.

Mister Liam and Mister Kurtis sitting in a tree. K-I-S-S-I-N-G. I take my head off of Kurts warm chest and look at Axel and Leon who were laughing and rolling on the floor. Pink dusts my cheeks, and I take myself away from Kurtis and grab Axel.

I pick him up, and rest him on my hip as another song comes on. Boogie Woogie Bugle Man by The Andrews Sisters. I place Axels hand in mine and start to sway and take steps with the music leaving Axel in fits of laughter.

Kurtis has placed Leon on his shoulders and came up behind me picking my waist, making me spin around with Axel in my arms. All four of us laugh as we try to dance together with the two boys on us.

I then hear clapping from the front door that I hadnt even realized has been opened.

Grace smiles at the four of us, bags of groceries in her hands. Seems like you boys all had fun while I was out. She walks into the living room putting the groceries on the coffee table in between the couches.

I chuckle and put Axle back down on the floor, and then take Leon off of Kurts shoulders. It passed the time real fast. I grin at Grace who now holds a bag of clothing.

I have some things for you Liam. Would you watch the kids while Liam and I go to the bedroom Kurtis? Kurt gives a salute to Grace, and goes sit with the boys on the floor.

I follow Grace as she walks up the stairs and to the bedroom where Kurtis has been sleeping.

She closes the door behind us and starts taking out the clothes from the bag. She smiles as she holds up an almost corset looking undergarment. This is a bra that some women use when going out with their girlfriend. This is what Judith has to use for us to go out on dates together so we look like a straight couple. It holds down the chest to make it look flatter. So you wont need to use bandages. Grace hands me the bra and continues showing me another outfit that would help me look more masculine.

There was a male set of Khaki pants and a yellow button up with red suspenders. As well as a fedora. I smile wide, Thank you so much Grace. Youve already done so much, you really didnt have to.

But I wanted too. I can only imagine what you boys have been through, especially you being in the wrong body and Jewish. Let me help you put it on. You can wear the bra just be careful with your ribs. Grace smiles and starts to help me change.

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