Chapter 11- Kept Secret

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Liam's POV-

Grace had wrapped up my chest loosely in order for my ribs and skin to heal. She had gotten me a shirt and a thick sweater to go on top.

I finished getting changed, and walked out of the bathroom and into the lounge area. Everyone but Grace and Judiths children sat there.

Kurts hair was damp and more brown looking due to the fact it was still slightly wet. He wore a pair of navy blue jeans, and a white button up shirt that was partially tucked in. His blue eyes lit up seeing me. He pats the spot next to him for me to sit down. I follow suit and sit next to him and see that Leon has crawled into his lap. I smile and push my shoulders forward as much as I can to avoid my chest sticking out.

The children will be coming down soon. They wont get suspicious seeing you hear Kurt, as you dont fit the Jewish stereotype, but for you Liam, you and your little brother will be spending most of the time in the attic. I nodded to Judith as she spoke.

Thats fine, I dont mind. Ill do whatever to keep us safe. I look at Kurt feeling his eyes stare at me. A tint of red spreads across my cheeks as I make eye contact with him.

Good, Grace and Judith stand up, Judith will show you to the attic. Ill bring some food up for the three of you. Grace smiles, and walks to the kitchen.

I grab Kurts hand, and follow behind Judith. Kurt carries Leon in his free arm.

Judith leads us up the stairs and to a large bedroom at the end of the hall. Along the bottom sides of the room are wooden walls that stick out and come back in after ever three feet. A small bed sits perfectly made in the far left corner, with a small window above it. A large dresser sits in front of the right wall.

Judith walks over to the dresser and bends down to the wooden parts of the wall. She puts her fingers in between the two wooden pieces that stick out from the wall above it, and pull it open to reveal a small storage space that was almost completely empty. You and your little brother will stay in here Liam. Kurt can take this room and pose as my young cousin coming to visit. Of course when the kids are off to classes, and I go to work you are all free to roam around. But be quiet if you do. Judith smiles, grabbing a couple blankets that sat on the bed and tossing them into the storage space.

Thank you again, I turn my head seeing Grace walk in with three plates and a flashlight. You dont know how much this means to us. I speak softly so as not to draw much attention.

Its no worry. The kids will be up in a minute now. We will leave you to get settled and eat. Lock the door when we exit, and of course keep your voices down. Grace places the plates of food on the bed and hands Leon the flashlight.

I now notice how Grace has long blonde hair and blue eyes like Kurtis. Her lips were ruby red, and she has pearl earrings hanging from her ears. Judith however was a dark redhead with green eyes, and wore diamond earrings that were just studs.

I come out of my thoughts as the two women walk out of the room, and Kurt locks it behind them.

I smile wide, and grab a plate off the bed and set myself on the floor next to Leon, who was already helping himself to a plate as well. The bread and what smelled like roast was steaming with warmth.

Liam will you and little Leon be okay in there? Kurtis whispers, eating his food as well.

I nod smiling. It wont be any worse than the concentration camps living quarters. Kurtis sets himself next to me, scooping food from his plate into mine.

What are you doing crazy? This is your food. I go to scoop the food he gave me back onto his plate before his warm hands stop me.

You and your brother havent been eating as much as you both should. Plus I can get food when I want since Im Judiths cousin. Kurts hand stays on mine for a moment before he pulls away.

I blush and give him a quick peck on the cheek, soon regretting my decision. His face lights up like an alight my family would light during Hanukkah. Blushing more now from embarrassment, I turn my attention to Leon, and help him fill his stomach.

Time passed by rather slowly after the three of us stopped eating. Both Leon and I had crawled into the storage unit with a few books, papers, and a black inkpen to occupy ourselves. Leon had kept the flashlight and turned it on after Kurt closed the small wooden door behind us.

Leon was drawing with the pen, while I held the flashlight so he could see. I frowned seeing how boring this will end up for my baby brother. He didnt deserve all this. Especially being so young.

I hear shuffling from outside our small hiding spot. I put a finger to my lips telling my brother to be quiet, while I put my ear to the wall trying to listen.

Besides it being muffled I can make out Graces sweet voice. Kurtis, I want you to meet our boys. Youve already met Axel, but this is Richard. Judiths boy. I so desperately want to meet the boys, and let my baby brother play with them, and live his childhood right. Sadly, I cant.

Hi boys. Nice to meet you Richard, its lovely seeing how much of a strong boy youve grown to be! Kurts charming voice brings itself to my attention.

Charming voice? Psh of course Its not attractive or anything. Its not like I wouldn't mind listening to his words as I fall asleep. Or want him to play with my hair a- The point is, Im not falling for him. Not at all.

Thank you sir! I hope to become big and strong like my father was. I assume Richard was talking. He seemed to be no older than 13, as his voice doesnt sound deep enough for him to have hit puberty.

Im sure youll end up just as strong as him champ. Kurt responds with enthusiasm to the kid.

With that I hear Grace tell Kurtis goodnight, and that they will come wake him up after Richard has gone off to camp.

I looked over at Leon who was drifting off as he drew.

I grab the blankets that were thrown in and lay one on the floor. I grab my baby brother, turn off the light before wrapping us both up with the other blanket and humming him to sleep.

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