Chapter 6- Down

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Liams POV-

I rub my brothers back as he falls softly asleep. Pop and Paw are cuddling in their bed while Pop lies awake. They are giving us showers tomorrow Liam Pops voice is tired as are his eyes. I look at him while he keeps talking, but I have a bad feeling about it kid. Pop rubs Paws back as he closes his eyes to fall asleep.

I lay awake that entire night thinking about what he said. Showers were a rare occasion. Why is it such a bad thing? I hold onto Leon whos stuffed full with the bread I gave him. I let him have it all since it was only a little bit. I was hungry, but I didnt see a single meal coming soon.

I woke up early to more guards than before knocking on each cell. They called for each of us to get up and get into a straight line outside of the camp. There were guards lining each side of the line, so no one could get away. Now we stand before staircases, although I was still too far to see them, everyone was talking about it. Oh a shower this a shower that. They were excited. However, both me and Pop stood still not saying a word. We were scared. Pops bad feelings attached itself to me. I didnt know what was gonna happen down there. Much less why the shower was gonna be underground. Although I wasnt too worried about having to get undressed since the womens camp had been mixed up with ours, that wouldnt stop the feeling that I was born wrong.

Coming out of my thoughts I hear a loud scream. They sounded terrified. I looked over to see a young woman pulling herself away from a guard that was trying to hold her back in line. SHe didnt want to go in there. For what reason, I dont have a clue. She pulls and yanks away from the guards, but before she can make it even a yard away a bullet flies through her chest. She falls to the ground as blood covers the sandy grass beneath her. My eyes are wide as some people cry in horror at the sight before them. Leon clings to my leg, his face digging into my calf to avoid looking at the dead women not too far away from us.

Soon it was our turn to go into the shower, but once again interrupted by someone else trying to get away. This time it was Pop and Paw. Pop grabbed his lover's wrist and ran for it. He knows somethings wrong. He grabs a guards wrist and slams his knee into his groin. I will not die by your hands willingly you fools! At that moment my eyes welled with tears and I picked up Leon. Another bullet flew, hitting Pops chest. Pop holds his wound and stubbles. Several guards go over to them. Paw is completely motionless after seeing the death of his boyfriend. Tears are falling down my eyes fast as I sob harshly. PAW RUN! I yelled to the man I had only known for three days, yet felt so attached too.

Before Paw can even think about what he was doing a guard starts to beat him with a metal rod he kept on his hip. Blood flies all over the guard and the ground. Paw falls on his face, his head beat in and blood runs all over his body. This time it was Pop who watched his lover get hurt. Pop is sobbing as he falls to the ground next to Paw. I sob harder and harder before getting grabbed from the line and pulled to the side roughly. My vision is blurry and I cant seem to stop the hyperventilation. The world begins to turn to black and Leon is taken from my hands as I fall but not onto the ground, into someone's arms.

(No the chapter isn't finished calm down)

I wake up with a searing pain in my head. I feel all dirty and tear stains make my face dry and harder to move. I move my hand to wipe my face, but a hand in mine is stopping me from doing so. My eyes slowly open and realize that it was now dark out. The moon was in the middle of the sky and the stars could be seen for miles. I see trees overhead, and I now feel the grass under my body. Looking over I see Leon holding my hand tightly as he cuddles next to my body. On the other side of him, leaning on a tree was Kurt. His eyes were open and strong in the sky. His blond hair was messed up, and tears were running down his face.

I sit up slowly, taking off my dirty and grass stained jacket and covering my baby brother. Kurtis turns to me and quickly wipes his tears away. I crawl over to him and take a seat next to him. Its okay to cry Its the strongest thing a man can do. I push my shoulder onto his and give him a small smile. He returns the smile, but doesnt cry anymore. How did we get here? I turn my head down trying to not let the memories of watching people die come into my head.

I brought you and Leon here I didnt want you guys going into the gas chambers. I nod now realizing why Pop had such a bad feeling. I then smile wide realizing he protected me and my brother.

Thank you I mumble my throat feeling dryer than ever. My headache subsided slightly, but the feeling of filth still travelled on my skin. Kurt ruffles my hair making me giggle.

There is a river nearby, you can wash off. Kurt seems to read my mind. He stands up giving a hand to me. I gladly take it smiling bright at him.

Will you watch Leon for me?

Little Leo? Of course Bunny He calls me the nickname, making me turn red.

I nod and run to the slow flowing river. I strip into my underwear and take the ace bandages off of my chest. The sides under my arms are rubbed raw and my chest has lines from the bandages. It is pleasing to have them off, I can breathe and move. But I still have breasts. I hate it.

I quickly rinse off, since I dont have any soap, and then scrub the dirt off of my clothes. I step out and hit my clothes on some rocks to dry them, then slip them back over me.

My hair is wet and little amounts of water fall off of them, but I dont mind. As Im walking back to Kurt and Leon my dysphoria starts coming back. Im walking all wrong. My hips are too curvy. I let out a loud grown from my thoughts when I see Kurtis not too far away. He looks at me kinda confused, but gives me a smile. He had started a fire while I was washing off, and it was a pretty flame. I tried to brush the thoughts out of my head and focus on how pretty the fire seems.

I take a seat next to Kurt, How far away are we from the cities? He shrugs his shoulders and gives me his jacket.

Im not too sure, but very far. He talks smoothly, putting his hands close to the fire to warm up. I let the jacket hang over my shoulders and put my head by Kurt's neck Kurt jumps slightly, but calms down resting his head on top of mine. I hadnt meant to do this in a lovey-dovey way, I just wanted to rest my head. And he was a good place for it. Even though we had probably been on a run for a day he still smells of vanilla with a slight hint of tobacco. Maybe from his father since he didnt seem to smoke.

I curled my legs up and closed my eyes once again letting sleep consume me.

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