Chapter 1

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Zero's POV

☯ Warning: It's really bloody. 

It started out as any normal day. My mother called Ichiru and me down for breakfast and I got out of bed and walked into Ichiru's room to wake him up.

"Five more minutes!" he grumbled as he tried to cover his face with a pillow.

"No. Now. Mom wants us downstairs for breakfast, so let's go!" I reply as I yank the blankets off of him.

"Fine." he grumbles as he reluctantly gets out of bed.

I walk back into my room to wash and get dressed. I meet Ichiru and my parents downstairs. We all say good morning then we eat the delicious breakfast that my mother prepared for us. Afterwards, my parents get ready for work while Ichiru and I hang out around the couch. It was summer vacation so we didn't have school and my parents wouldn't let me get a summer job so I chose to stay home and take care of Ichiru instead. He can get very sick sometimes and other times he can be very reckless and get into trouble, so someone has to watch him.

"Good bye boys. We love you." my mother calls from the door.

"Be good. Take care of Ichiru, Zero. Bye." my father adds.

"I will. Bye." I reply before they close the door and leave.

I have no clue what their job is because they won't tell me. Somehow they've managed to hide what they do for my entire life. I don't really mind though. As long as they don't have anything to do with the mafia or black market I don't care what their job is. I just want them to be safe.

"I wanna play a game!" Ichiru says happily once our parents are gone.

"Aren't you a little too old for games?" I ask him.

"No. You can never be too old for games." he replies.

"Ok. What do you want to play?" I ask him.

"Let's play tag!" he cheers happily.

"Are you sure you'll be ok with that? Won't you get hurt if you run around all the time?" I ask him worriedly.

"I'll be fine. I'm not a baby, so stop treating me like a little kid!" he pouts.

"It's your fault for acting like a little kid." I reply honestly.

"Whatever. Tag! You're it!" he laughs before he runs off.

I chuckle and wait a few seconds before I chase after him. I'm much faster than him, but Ichiru is a sore loser so I have to let him win at everything. He runs out of the house and jumps down the stairs as I chase after him. I follow him until he reaches the woods. Once I catch a glimpse of where he was headed I run faster and easily catch up to him and tackle him to the floor. We roll around until we stop next to a tree. Ichiru was sitting on top of me trying to catch his breath.

"No fair! You're supposed to tag me then run. You're not allowed to tackle me!" he pouts once he can breathe again.

"Yeah but you were heading towards the woods, so I had to stop you. You know what mom and dad said about the woods. We're not allowed to go in without them." I scold him.

Our parents were very overprotective about everything. We weren't even allowed to step out of the house without telling them why and what time we'll be back.

"But you know that they never say yes whenever we ask them. Let's go in please? It'll only be for a little while. Pretty please?" Ichiru begs me.

He gives me his puppy-dog eyes and even though his eyes are identical to mine, I couldn't resist them. I gave in to his begging.

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