Chapter 10

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Kaname's POV

We finally had a plan and we were ready for Shizuka to show up, but that doesn't mean that we liked this ides. But we had no choice. I don't want her to hurt the two men that I love so much. I just hope that I don't end up hurting them because of her.

"Looks like you three got well acquainted while I was gone." I hear an angelic voice laugh behind me.

That angelic voice didn't belong to an angel. It belonged to a sick, disgusting creature known as Shizuka. None of us replied to her and she just giggles happily as she stood in the middle of the room.

"Too bad I'm gonna kill you two. Kaname's gonna be so heartbroken. It's the first time he's ever fallen in love. Isn't that such a sad story Kaname?" she jokes sadistically and I growl angrily in response.

Suddenly she disappears and when she appears once again, she's behind Ichiru. She grabs his arms and pins than together with one hand. He tried to break free of her hold, but it was useless. She uses her witch powers to make some rope materialize in her hands then she ties up Ichiru's hands with the rope.

She does the same thing to Zero. Luckily I taught them how to escape from ropes. If they keep their arms slightly spread apart as their hands are being tied, they can just move their hands closer together when she's not looking and escape.

"So which one of you is ready to die first? Ichiru right? You're going to offer yourself up so that Zero can come and kill me while I'm not watching. Isn't that right?" she says.

"H-how...?" Zero asks in shock.

"Silly boys! I know everything that goes on in this cabin. Do you honestly think I'm stupid?" she says before she starts laughing like a maniac.

"You actually thought that you could escape? Well guess what little Zero. You're going to be the first to die! And don't even think of trying to escape. Those aren't normal ropes tied around your hands. They're made from a material that seals a vampire's power and they're enchanted, so you'll be weak as long as they're on you." she tells Zero.

Zero tries to break free of the ropes, but he can't.

"Oh and I know all about you're little love parade with Kaname. So I think you'll really hate me now." she says.

"What?" Zero asks her.

"Kaname darling, I order you to kill Zero." she orders me.

No! I should've known this would happen! I can't fight her spell. My body starts moving towards Zero against my will. Just as my nails turned into claws and I was about to attack Zero, he dodged. Thank goodness!

He jumped to his feet and I charged towards him. I could tell that my eyes were now glowing red from the curse. I saw fear in his lavender eyes, and I wanted to kill Shizuka now more than ever. How dare she try to make me attack my lover?!

"Kaname! Snap out of it! Please! Stop!" he said as he tried to reason with me to stop attacking him.

I tried, but I didn't have any control over my body and actions. He started running as I chased after him. I smashed everything that he walked past or jumped onto as he tried to escape me.

"Why are you doing this?!" Ichiru asked Shizuka as tears slowly began to trail down his cheek.

"You really don't know do you? Fine I'll tell you two a little story before I kill you." Shizuka says.

She snaps her fingers and the door to the room slams shut and locks just as Zero was about to run into the neighboring room.

"The thing is, you two are demon hunters. Well you were supposed to be anyways. Your parents were famous demon hunters who killed many monsters, including witches. They killed my family members and I wanted revenge! When I heard that they had retired because your mother gave birth to two sons, I knew it was my chance to attack. I waited until I was strong enough and their guard was down to attack them. When I saw you two I wanted to make you feel like it was all your fault that your parents died because you went into the forest. To be honest, I was planning on killing them before you two entered my forest, but I thought it would be more fun to play the guilt game with the two of you." she explains with a sardonic tone.

"How dare you do that to us and our family?!" Zero says angrily.

"Oh shut up and die already you annoying brat. Kaname, kill him faster!" she orders angrily.

My speed started getting faster and I couldn't stop myself as I charged towards Zero with my claws and fangs ready to slash at him. I closed my eyes. I can't watch this! If he doesn't move in the next second I'll hurt him!

Luckily he dodged in the last second, so only his arm got scratched. At least I didn't kill him. When my hands started glowing I mentally screamed, 'Zero, run! Don't let this hit you!' A ball of powerful energy shot towards Zero's head. He saw it in time and he used his quickened reflexes to duck from the attack.

Out of the corner of my eye I saw Ichiru slip out of the rope and slowly sneak up behind Shizuka with the rope in his hands. Shizuka had let her guard down while she was watching me attack Zero with a dark smile spread across her face.

Ichiru silently crept behind her and unexpectedly wrapped the rope around her neck. As she struggled to breathe from him strangling her, I slowly started regaining control of my body.

Once I could mostly move my body, I looked at Zero and screamed, "Now!"

We both ran towards her and Ichiru. Ichiru had started dragging her towards the giant oven. I opened the oven door and helped Ichiru push her inside. We both slammed the door shut and pushed against it as she tried to break free. Zero quickly turned on the heat and a fire appeared in the oven.

Shizuka let out a nasty shriek before she burst into flames inside of the burning box. We were finally free. I grabbed Ichiru's hand and we ran out of the cabin along with Zero.

When we opened the door we each took a breath of fresh air. Freedom at last!

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