Chapter 2

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Ichiru's POV

Zero opens the door and leads me into the cabin. This place was awesome! There were candy and sweets everywhere. Too bad all this candy won't bring back my parents. It's all my fault for suggesting that we should play in the stupid forest. I'm always the one causing trouble for everybody. I wish that I could be as strong, caring, and helpful as Zero.

"This place seems abandoned." Zero states as he looks around the cabin.

"Maybe someone used to live in here but then they left when that evil witch came in to the forest." I tell him.

"You think she's a witch?" Zero asks me.

"Yeah. Mommy told me that witches are beautiful women who can cast curses and easily kill anything." I explain.

"Aren't witches supposed to be ugly and green?" Zero questions me.

"Daddy said that was only a fable because the witches wanted to hide what they really look like. It's the same as the theory that vampires are allergic to garlic. They just made that up so that hunters won't kill them and know their true weakness." I tell him.

"Did mom and dad tell you all of this?" Zero asks.

"Yes. I was playing around in their room and I found a big book with all these facts about monsters, so I asked them about it." I explain.

"Well I guess those facts will come in handy if we're in a cursed forest. So do you wanna eat something before we find a room to sleep in?" Zero asks me.

"Ok," I reply.

We find some red velvet, chocolate, and carrot cake on a table in what was probably the kitchen. I chose the carrot cake and Zero takes the red velvet. As we were eating I notice something different about Zero. He had a strange tattoo on his neck.

"What's that?" I ask him.

"What's what?" he asks me, confused.

"You have a mark on your neck where that lady bit you." I tell him.

"Are you serious?" he asks shakily.

He must be scared of the curse that the witch placed on him. That tattoo is probably a symbol of the curse.

"Come on. I'll show you." I tell him before I grab his hand and lead him into a bathroom that I had found.

We look into the mirror and Zero finally sees the mark on his neck.

"So I'm really cursed?" he asks.

"I'm sorry Zero. It'll be fine. We'll find a way to break the curse. I'll help! But first we need to find out exactly what it does so that we can fix it. I remember some of the stuff in that book was about breaking curses, so once we know what the curse is we can fix it." I tell him as I try to cheer him up.

I hate having to see Zero sad. He should never have to cry. It's all my fault that he's cursed. He should've just chosen to save himself and let the witch kill me instead. What good am I to him anyways? I always slow him down and if it weren't for me he could've been doing a lot more fun things instead of always taking care of me.

"Why did you choose to take the curse?" I ask him shakily.

"Because I love you Ichiru. I'm not gonna let some witch kill or hurt you. You're all I have left." he tells me as he wraps his arms around me and hugs me.

"But I'm useless. Why would you ever want to save someone like me?" I ask him as tears start to spill out of my eyes.

"You're not useless. You may not be as strong as me, but you're far smarter than I'll ever be. You know facts about things that I've never heard of. You knew about the witch and other monsters that may be in the forest. You can keep us safe and break the curse." Zero tells me as he wipes away my tears.

"Do you really mean that?" I ask him doubtfully.

"Of course I do!" he replies honestly.

"Thank you." I tell him as I hug him back.

Since we were in a bathroom, Zero carefully washes his wound and I bandage it up with some medical supplies that I had  found in one of the cabinets under the sink. After I'm done we walk out of the bathroom and head back into the kitchen.

Suddenly a deep voice says, "You boys shouldn't be here."

Zero and I turn around to find a tall man with dark brown hair and chocolate eyes standing behind us. He was very handsome, but I was scared of the animalistic look that he currently had in his eyes. Where did he come from? Was he here earlier? Is this his house?

"I'm sorry. We didn't mean to intrude into your house. We were lost and it was dark outside so we came in here. We didn't think that anyone was living here." Zero says as he steps in front of me to guard me in case this guy tries to attack us.

"You boys shouldn't be here." the man says again.

"I'm sorry. We'll just leave now. Sorry for intruding." Zero says as he takes a step back and I follow him.

"Too late." the mysterious man says before his eyes flash blood red.

Shit! He's not human! We need to get out of here now!

"W-what do you mean?" Zero asks shakily.

The man's red eyes were similar to the witch's eyes before she bit Zero, so he's probably scared of them right now. I grip Zero's arm and tangle my fingers with his to calm him down.

"I mean that you can't escape." the man replies.

That makes Zero snap as he runs to the door as he pulls me along with him. He tries to open the door but it won't budge. Then he runs over to the windows and tries to open or break every single one of them.

"I told you. You can't escape." the man says as he walks towards us.

"Zero, I'm scared." I tell him as I start trembling.

"I won't let him hurt you, Ichiru." Zero says before he grabs my hand and starts running again.

He runs towards a random room. The man was walking behind us, but he was too close for someone who was simply walking. Zero races into the room and locks the door behind us. He grabs some chairs and a table and uses them to barricade the door.

"Ok we're safe for now." he pants as he tries to catch his breath.

"Zero calm down. I know it's scary, but please don't have a panic attack." I tell him as I hug him and lead him towards the bed next to the wall far away from the door.

We lay down onto the bed and Zero hugs me closer to him. I wrap my legs around him as I try to calm my rapidly beating heart. That was too much running for one day. I'm too tired to do anything anymore. I'm gonna pass out any second now.

Zero must've noticed because he said, "Go to sleep Ichiru. I'll keep watch in case something happens. Just rest for now."

I nod to show him that I heard him and understood before I close my eyes and drift off to sleep in my brother's arms.

Cabin in the Woods (BoyXBoy)Where stories live. Discover now