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🌹💐 Epilogue♊☯

🌹💐 A/N: Hey everyone! Thanks for reading my story! I know there were a lot of sex scenes in it, but the story of Hansel and Gretel is pretty short, so I had to make it longer somehow. Once again, thanks for reading! Bye! XD ♊☯

The three lovers were finally free of the evil witch. Her vile ways could hurt them no more. Suddenly Ichiru starts shaking and crying.

"Ichiru, what's wrong love?" Zero asks his younger twin brother.

"W-w-we j-just killed someone!" he exclaims.

He was shocked at what happened. Ichiru can't stand the fact that he helped murder someone. It just wasn't in his nature to hurt others.

"It's ok Ichiru." Kaname says as he hugs his shaking lover.

"If we didn't kill her, she would've killed us first!" Zero tells Ichiru as he wipes away his tears and kisses his pink lips.

"It'll be fine Ichiru. Please calm down." Kaname whispered to him gently.

As Kaname and Zero whispered sweet words to Ichiru, he slowly started to calm down. Once his crying and shaking had ceased, they started walking away from the candy cabin.

"Let's get out of this place before it blows up from that stove!" Zero says as they start running towards the exit of the forest.

Kaname knew the way out, and the twins followed him. Just as they were a safe distance away from the cabin, they saw smoke coming from it's location. The cabin had exploded and burned down from the oven and the negative energy of the witch.

Once they exit the forest Ichiru asks Kaname, "Where are we going?"

"We're going to my mansion. We'll be safe there. I'm pretty sure Yuki will be there as well. I told her to keep it safe for me until I return." Kaname replies.

Once they were a few yards away from the dreary forest, Kaname wrapped his arms around each of the boys.

"What are you doing, Kaname?" Zero questions him.

"Running," was his laconic reply.

Suddenly the wind whistled through the twins' ears and hair, and they shut their eyes. When they opened then again, they were standing at the entrance of a giant, elegant mansion. The door opened and a young woman with long brown hair and eyes the same color as Kaname's walked out. When she saw Kaname, she ran towards him and enveloped him in her arms with a tight bear-hug.

"Kaname, you're back! I knew you'd escape one day! I'm so sorry you got stuck in there! It's all my fault." she says as tears lace around her eyes.

"It's alright Yuki. I'm back now. It's not your fault. Shizuka was an evil and powerful witch. I don't regret taking your place. I'm glad that I finally defeated her." Kaname tells his sister.

"Thank you Kaname." she thanks her brother.

"let's just go inside for now." Kaname says as he leads them into the mansion.

"Master Kaname? Is that you?!" a blonde haired man with icy blue eyes asked when he saw Kaname.

"Yes, it's me Hanabusa. I finally escaped. Are the others here?" Kaname replies.

"Only Akatsuki, Seiren, and Takuma are here. Everyone else is at Yuki's mansion." the blonde replies.

"I'll go get them. Why don't you take Kaname and his guests to the living room Hanabusa?" Yuki says before she disappears.

Hanabusa leads Kaname and the twins into the living room and they all sit down on the soft couch. Ichiru and Zero sat on opposite sides of Kaname and laid their heads on his shoulders.

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