So... My Birthday

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December 6th— Tuesday Morning
4:12 AM

On the cold tile of her bathroom floor, Abiah leaned next to her toilet. This was not how she had planned to start her birthday, but it was how it was going. "Here, Bean," Jairus called, coming back into the bathroom and handing his sister a water bottle.

"Thank you," her raspy voice said as the seven-year-old left out. "Seriously, it's mommy's birthday and we have a doctors appointment today. Find your chill," Abiah mumbled to her unborn fetus, before taking a sip of her water and getting up to brush her teeth. "Happy birthday to me," she mumbled.

5:11 AM

Abiah laid on her bed, miserable. Her stomach was in knots. She didn't want to get up, but she couldn't sleep. So, she was lying on top of her covers, scrolling through her tumblr. Out of a no where a low crash was heard, triggering Abiah's senses, and scaring her a bit.

Slowly, she came out of her room and started towards the stairs. But when she didn't hear Frodo barking at the baby gate, she calmed down a bit. "Mommy?" Abiah guessed, knowing her father was a sound sleeper.

"Try again," the oldest Murillo daughter replied, turning on the over island light.

"What are you doing up?" Abiah asked, carefully coming around the large, white island to see her sister cleaning up a broken glass.

"I was getting some water, but uhh... I dropped it," she giggled. Abiah's head tilted as her eyebrows furrowed together.

Is she? She wouldn't? Would she? Maybe it was just really fun night. It's Tuesday. Oh my gosh.

"Mama, did you go out last night?" Abiah asked, grabbing a few towels to help soak up the water from the real hard wood floors. Irie shrugged as she started to sweep up the mess.

"I was out for like an hour, barely. Why?" She asked, throwing away the shattered pieces, stumbling a bit to get the trash.

"An hour doesn't— never mind. Are you coming to my anatomy scan today? I get to find out what my baby is," Abiah beamed. Irie sluggishly put the broom and dust pan away, then went for a new glass.

"I mean, do I have to? It's not like it's going to change between then and you coming home," she griped. Abiah caught her breath, as her heart physically started to hurt.

"Oh, I uhh, I guess you don't. I just thought that since you came to the others, you'd want to come for something less boring," Abiah forcefully chuckled, trying not to let her true emotions free.

"No. I'm good," she mumbled, leaving her half full glass on the counter and heading off to her room.

"Oh, okay. Goodnight," she called, receiving nothing in return.

God, did I do something? I know having kids is a hard subject but she was fine. What happened?

6:57 AM

The sun started to peak through the quiet living area of the Murillo house, as Abiah laid on the couch scrolling through her phone. "Bean, what are you doing?" André asked, seeing his daughter up at such an arbitrary hour.

"Morning sickness. I've been up for a couple hours. You're grandchild is keeping me company. Come take a feel," Abiah proposed, holding her hand out for her father. With a shrug, he moved over to the couch and sat next to her side. "I don't know if you can feel, her or him, but their head is right here," she said pressing his fingers into the side of her stomach.

"Is that?" André asked, with a small smile, remembering the first time he felt Abiah move inside Tori. After finding out about Irie and realizing how much he missed with her, he started to cherish those pregnancy moments with Tori. "Are you excited for today? You get to see what your baby is," André said, taking his hand back. Abiah nodded a bit as her phone went off making her smile.

"I'm going to take this to my room," she mumbled, getting off the couch and heading to her room to answer her FaceTime.

"And just like that, she's grown," André said, going to make his morning coffee and start his routine.

11 AM

Tori and Abiah walked out of the doctors office holding an envelope with her babies gender inside. "Are you happy with what God blessed you with?" Tori asked as the got into her car. With an eyebrow lift Abiah put her seatbelt on.

"Well, duh. I knew from the beginning," she smirked.

2 PM

"Come on, Abiah. We have to get a move on. Your dress fitting is in twenty minutes!" Tori rushed, grabbing her bag and pushing her daughters out of the house. Irie groaned as she got in the front and Abiah took her place in the back. "Ella, for one day, can you pretend to love your sister? No one told you to get wasted last night, knowing you had this appointment today," Tori griped, turning on her car and speeding off to the shop.

Abiah uncomfortably shifted in her seat, knowing her sister was pissed. But, what could she do? She was just going with what God has given her.

The End

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