1. Fun times

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Jamie's POV
"Give it back!" I shouted at the guys who took my hat "no!" They said tossing it around laughing at me. I tried jumping but I was too short, these are the 3 bullies in my town, no one likes them. There's Jason, he was fat and had braces, then there's Kyle, he was thin and really active, he's joins a lot of sports and I mean a lot. And last is their leader, Chase. He was tall, muscular, and active. They all had brown eyes but Jason and Kyle had brownish blond hair and Chase had black hair with white streaks on the sides, it made him look stupid. I groaned at them, I wish they would just die or something! My feet were swept from under me and I was in the air, Kyle was holding me up by my ankle. They all laughed at me, they started to call me names like loser, freak, weirdo, creep. I tried keeping the words out of my head but they sunk in, tears prickled at my eyes ready to drop. Kyle dropped me on my back, all the air was knocked out of me. I coughed roughly, Chase put his foot on my chest and pushed down. I coughed and coughed until I heard someone clear their throat, they stopped laughing and turned around. There standing was my sister Chris, her skateboard by her side, arms were crossed and hood up to where you can only see her mouth "I see you're picking on my brother, hmm?" She said walking towards us, I sat up and watched her. She stopped in front of Chase, she was at least 2 feet taller than him, she towered over him. I watched as he and the other 2 trembled in her presents, she unfolded her arms "do you know what happens to people who mess with my siblings?" She asked, they shook their heads slowly, I stiffened a laugh. She collided her fist into her palm "this.." She said and punched Jason in the nose, he flew a foot away from us. My mouth fell opened and my eyes were practically popping out of my head, she just punched Jason in the nose.....that's awesome!! She looked back to Kyle and Chase "now, I suggest you don't pick on my brother anymore or you'll end up even worse than your friend over there" she said gesturing to Jason, they nodded quickly "good. Now leave" she said sternly, they ran over to Jason and helped him up. Blood ran down his nose, it was on his face, shirt and hand. I almost felt bad for him....almost. Chris helped me up and put my hat back on "I can't believe you punched him!" I said happily, she smiled "and it was a pleasure" she said, I laughed at her. She grabbed her skateboard and put it on the sidewalk, she looked back to me "say, you wanna have some fun with me?" She asked obviously smirking, I nodded and jogged up to her. She was always the rebel one in the family, her type of fun was thrilling, it was nothing compared to Jacks. "Here, put this on" she said and handed me her helmet, I strapped it on my head. "Hop on my back" she said, I did as told and jumped on her back. My legs wrapped around her waist and arms were around her neck "hang on" she said, I tightened my grip. The board started out smooth but as we neared the street we went faster and faster. Excitement and fear swirled in my stomach as we got closer, I tightened my grip on Chris, I heard her chuckle at me. We reached the road and we flew in the air, her board spinning beneath her, I yelled in fear knowing we were going to crash. We landed in the street going the opposite way the other cars were going, I looked around me and everything went by so fast, you couldn't even tell they were cars, they just looked like colors. I looked forward and saw a blue ram heading towards us, my eyes widened "uh, Chris!" I yelled her name over the roaring wind, she laughed "relax!" She yelled back. Relax? How can I relax when were going to get hit by a truck?! I put my head on her shoulder and waited for the impact "you might want to watch!" She said, I looked back up and we jumped the truck high enough to get over it, her skateboard went under it. She landed on it "WOOOOOHOOOOO!!" She cheered at herself "AWESOME!" I said looking back at the truck. I looked back and we approached the side walk, we came to a full stop and I got off her back "that was amazing!" I said looking at her, she laughed at me "beats reading that Bigfoot book doesn't it?" She said sarcastically, I laughed "by far!" I said. She put her arm around my shoulder "come on, lets get home" she said, I nodded and held her hand.

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