10. Jealous?

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Jacks POV
I saw Chris and some other guy laughing on the ground, I felt this pang in my chest as if my heart was angry. Weird. I pointed down at them "there she is!" I said, North looked over and went towards her. We landed the sleigh and we all hopped out, the guy had his arm around Chris, smirking at me. I wasn't very pleased with him "hey" Chris said smiling, we all looked at either her or the boy, he looked like my age. North spoke "uh, who is this?" He asked gesturing to the guy "guys this is my best friend Tyler. Tyler these are- wait a minute! You can see them?" She asked Tyler, he nodded in response. Chris lifted an eyebrow "ok, who do you see?" She asked standing up, he did too. He looked at all of us "a fat guy with a beard, a giant kangaroo, a colorful bird, a small golden man and another old guy" he said, I wanted to hit him so hard it would knock him unconscious. Chris looked at him then whacked his head, he yelped "hey!" He yelped holding his head "that's what you get for being an ass" she said crossing her arms, he laughed. I looked at everyone else and they didn't seem to like Tyler like Chris did, she's so...I don't know, different than other girls. Bunny obviously wasn't happy when Tyler called him a kangaroo, Tooth wasn't happy when he called her a bird, Sandy looked ok with is nickname, North was pissed at his and I just really hated him. How does she stand him?! Bunny stepped up "come on sheila, we're going home" he said glaring at Tyler, he didn't seem to care. She nodded, everyone was heading to the sleigh, I stayed back and waited for her "don't do anything stupid" she said, he laughed "when have I not" he said, she rolled her eyes. They said good bye and she walked up to me "jealous?" She smirked, heat rose to my face, she giggled "thought so" she said and walks on, my mouth was slitty gapped at what she said. 'Was I jealous of her and Tyler? Am I jealous?' I thought, I shook it off for now and flew to the sleigh. I landed and North whipped the reins, we took off into the dark sky. Chris sat there looking at the clouds, her hand was gently rubbing her arm. Did she get hurt? Did Tyler hurt her or something? If he did I'd-wait, what?! Why should I care, I mean I care for her but I shouldn't care this much about her, right? My mind thought of one thing 'do I like Chris?' The thought of that took me back a little, well if I did like her she wouldn't like me back. I sat there and wondered about that looking back and forth at Chris, the portal opened and colors appeared.
*North pole*
The air was nice and cold, the only thing you could hear was the reindeer snorting. No one spoke a word the rest of the way, we landed and Chris was the first to hop out. She looked like she was thinking, we all looked at each other curious at what's on her mind.

*Ok I'm really sorry I haven't updated in forever. It's bc of Christmas and my uncle and cuzins coming over to stay. So sorry😅*

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