9. Hunting and my best friend

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Christine's POV
It was dark out so I put my hood up and began my hunt, my stomach ached from not eating. I went down town to see teenagers, this is gonna be fun, well for me at least. I walked into an alley making sure there's no lights, I looked back at the teens seeing them closer than before. I took a breath and put my act on, I hid behind the dumpster and screamed "AAAAAAHHHHHH!! SOMEONE HELP ME!!! AAAHHHHH!" I heard footsteps running my way, I sunk into the shadows waiting for them. They slowed down but came closer and closer to the end, I saw them stop and look around 'time to kill' I thought. I quickly but quietly snuck around the dumpster to block their only way out, one turned around and saw me "uh guys" she said fear in her voice. The others turned around, fear was in their eyes, they all backed away. I walked closer and closer to them "sorry about this" I said then lunged at them, they screamed for their lives. I killed 4 out of 5 teens, the last one was a fighter, my lips dripped with their blood, a dark rose red. He took a pocket knife out of his jacket, he glared at me "what the hell are you?!" He asked, I laughed at him "something you wouldn't believe" I said smirking at him. He charged at me, I didn't move until he was close enough. I grabbed his wrist and flipped him over, his head hit the ground with a thud. He sat up holding his now bloody head, a shiver went down my spine as it dropped from him to the ground. I pinned him to the ground, his eyes widened "sorry" I said then bit him, he screamed. He grabbed his knife and cut my arm, a line of blood rushed out. I bit down harder, groaning in pain, he just doesn't give up. He finally stopped moving, I let go taking a deep breath 'finally he's gone' I thought leaning against the brick wall. I sat there in a daze wondering what Pitch meant earlier about my power "does he mean my killer half or what Manny?" I asked the moon, I got no response but snow came down. Wait if it's snowing then that means Jack's here, great this is just my day. I heard bells from above, I looked up and saw the other guardians, awe come on!! I acted quickly taking the boy's body into the shadows with the others, this can't be happening, THIS CANT BE HAPPENING! I don't want them to know, I can't let them know. I put my hood back up, hoping they won't see me. They flew past me, I walked out calmly, hood up, hands in pockets and afraid. I took my razor out of my pocket and rolled up my sleeve, I killed 5 people that means five deep painful cuts. I put the razor to my arm and sliced it, blood poured out traveling down my arm. I did it again and again until there were five innocent cuts on my arm, I had cuts all over my arms, all of them were innocent people. I rolled my sleeve back down, it was going to be drenched in blood in awhile, I started to think back again to what power I might have that I don't know about. Maybe I have season powers like winter, summer, spring or fall. Or element powers, wind, water, earth, or maybe even fire! That would be pretty cool. I walked down the snowy side walk when I was stopped by a voice "well if it isn't the daring rebel of the town, hello Chris" it said, I looked around curious of the owner. The person walked out of the shadows, I couldn't see their face cause their hood was up. I didn't fear then obviously, 'why do they sound familiar?' I asked myself. They ran at me, punching my stomach and knocking me down, I groaned. I got up and got in a fighting position, he did too. We ran at each other, he threw his first at me first, I grabbed it and twisted his arm behind his back, I heard small cracks from it, he yelped. He swiftly turned around and swung his leg beneath my feet, I fell back with him landing on me, joy. My hood sorta fell off, he grabbed my hands and put them besides my head, I went wide eyed 'what the hell is he doing?!' I thought. I managed to get my hands free after struggling free and took off his hood, my mouth fell open. It was my best friend Tyler, what the....that dumbass. I relaxed and laughed at him "you jackass!" I said laughing, he smiled "I'm not a donkey, I'm a rainbow farting fashionable unicorn" he said and tazed my sides. I laid there laughing my ass off with the others probably near. The next thing I hear is bells up above, Tyler stopped and looked up, I did too. The sleigh landed a feet away from us, everyone hopped out and ran to us, I sat up with Tyler's arm around my shoulder, smirking.

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