8. Does she have a seceret?

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Bunnys POV
I sat in the sleigh gripping the handle bars, terrified to look down. Obviously I'm scared of heights as you can tell. Sandy patted my arm telling me it's ok, easy for him to say. He's not scared of heights! I took deep breaths trying to calm myself down, I could hear Chris humming something. I turned around to see her rocking back and forth with her head on Jamie's and Jack watching her lovingly, I smirked. He saw me staring and immediately blushed a light pink, I chuckled at his embarrassment. North pulled a snow globe out and said workshop, he then threw it and a portal opened. We went through it and was at the workshop in a second. He landed the sleigh, I got out quickly "sweet ground, oh sweet ground" I said walking into the factory, the others followed. The yetis opened the doors and the place smelt like hot coco and cookies, great. Norths mood became excited "I smell cookies!" He said rushing to the kitchen, I shook my head at him. Chris walked up to me "hey um, is there a place where I can set Jamie?" She asked, Jamie was all snuggled up in her arms, I smiled at that. I nodded "yeah, follow me sheila" I said walking next to her "thanks Bunny" she said looking up at me, I chuckled "you're welcome" I said. I opened the door to a spare room, she went over to the bed and set Jamie under the blankets. She tucked him in and got up, she came up to me and hugged me, I was shocked at first but then eased into it. I wrapped my arms around her, she was more cold than warm...that's weird. I let go and she smiled at me, I smiled back "you should get to bed too mate" I said closing the door behind us, she shook her head "maybe later, I um, have things to take care of" she said her smile vanishing, she walked away with out another word, she's so.....different. Something tells me she's got a secret. I watched as she left and I rushed to North, I found him in the kitchen stuffing his face with cookies. He stopped eating and looked at me "hmp?" He muffled, I rolled my eyes at him "can we talk mate?" I asked, he nodded and grabbed a cup of hot chocolate, we walked out. We turned to a corner where it was sorta dark "mate, something isn't right 'bout Chris, I was talking to her earlier and she seemed a little on edge" I said, he looked at me like I was crazy "ok?" He said, I sighed in frustration "look when I hugged her she felt cold not warm. Then she said she had 'things' to take care of, I think she's hiding something from us" I said, he looked amazed at what I just said. He nodded "ok, we'll figure this out" he said, I nodded.
Christine's POV
I walked around the workshop looking for North, I needed two snow globes to get home and back. It kills me to do this but I have no choice, I'm a killer, that's what I've always been. I finally found him in the kitchen, why doesn't that surprise me. He was talking to one of the yetis "North" I said, he turned to me "ah Christine, how are you?" He asked putting his arm around my shoulder "I'm fine but can I have two snow globes?" I asked. He looked at me like I was crazy "why?" He asked, I was trying to think of a lie "to um, get something's from my house" I said smiling, he nodded. We walked down the hall and to an elevator, we climbed in and it went up. We got out and everything seemed so much quieter, cool. We walked down another hall and he opened a door, it looked like an office. He went over to his desk and got two snow globes, he handed me them "thanks North" I said smiling, he nodded "you are welcome" he said. I left the room and got a snow globe "Burgess" I whispered, I set it down and colorful swirls appeared. I stepped through and I was home in just seconds.

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