5. Tooth

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Christine's POV
I flew behind Jack looking at all the people beneath me, hey I even found the broken arm guy, haha he's in pain. I laughed at myself, the wind was getting colder and colder as we went north. We got to the North Pole and I saw this huge building and I mean huge! We went through a window at the top and I saw this huge globe, I looked around and saw yetis and elves? Ok I must be dreaming. They were working on toys I think, elves were running around the place. I even saw one electrocute another, I laughed at their stupidity. In front of the globe were others, a big old man with a beard, a small golden dude and a giant kangaroo. Jack landed and I floated down next to him, he set Jamie down and ran to them. He hugged the old guy, the man looked down and hugged him back. They let go and the man looked at me and Jack, he smiled at me, I smiled back. He stood up straight "Jack who is girl?" He asked his Russian accent clearly visible, Jack walked up to him "North this is Chris, Jamie older sister" he said looking at me, North looked at me "Christine Bennett?" He asked, I smirked "what, am I on the naughty list or something?" I asked, he laughed "HA, you on naughty list?" He stopped laughing "you hold record" he said pointing at me, I smiled "wait I thought I did?" Jack said looking between me and North. He shook his head "nope, she beat you 3 nights ago" he said, I smirked at Jack, he pouted. I laughed "awe is little Jackie mad?" I said in a baby voice, he crossed his arms "don't call me that" he said, I laughed. After that, North introduced me to the others, it was him, Jack, Tooth, Bunny and Sandy. So they're the guardians Jamie won't shut up about. Jack leaned against his staff "so what's up?" He asked, Norths face became serious "something has happened at Tooth's palace, we must go now" he said already getting his coat and swords? Jeez, I have a lot to learn about these people. He opened these big doors and we entered a workshop, yetis ran around preparing things. I looked around "ready to have some fun?" Jack asked, I looked at him "there is no way I'm getting into some rickety old....." I trailed off as the sleigh came into view "sleigh" I said, Jack smirked at me "one ride, that's it" I said hopping in "everyone loves the sleigh" North said getting in with everyone else. "Everyone ready?!" North said, I saw Bunny claw into the wooden seat, I laughed at him. He whipped the reins and we took off. We did loops and then it straightened out towards the end, the exit came into view and the sleigh took off into the sky. It's amazing up here! Pink, purple, orange and blue all mixed in the sky, it was mesmerizing. I hung my feet off the back of the sleigh, Jack soon joined me. I looked back and saw Jamie talking to Bunny, I smiled at him knowing he's going to tell his kids this one day. I looked back at the view, I could feel Jack staring at me "take a picture, it'll last longer" I said looking at him, he blushed "hehe sorry" he said rubbing the back of his neck, I shook my head at him "it's ok" I said. "So what do you like to do for fun?" He asked looking at me, I looked to him "I like to get in trouble, skateboard, swim, get in fights and go cliff diving" I told him, he looked at me amazed "damn and I thought I was the bad one" he said laughing, I chuckled. "What do you like to do?" I asked "I like snowball fights, messing with Jamie, getting in trouble and pissing off the kangaroo" he said pointing to Bunny, Bunny turned around "I'm a Bunny!" He yelled at Jack, me and Jamie stiffened a laughed at them. I didn't notice North grab a snow globe from his pocket, I looked to him and saw him throw it and swirling colors appeared, I'm guessing it's a portal. We went through and almost immediately we arrived at a giant floating palace, I looked at it in awe. There was gold, blue, green and purple colors everywhere, it was amazing. North landed the sleigh and we hopped out, everyone's weapons were out and ready "TOOTH!" I shouted, no answer. We walked around the place, I walked somewhere away from the group, they didn't even notice I was gone. I heard whimpering, I followed the sound and finally found Tooth. She was bruised and cut, one of her wings were bent, ow. I rushed over to her "Tooth!" I said getting on my knees, she looked up and saw me "Chris" she said. I scanned her, she was hurt badly "come on, I'll get you to the others" I said standing up and extending my hand, she took it. She stood up, she took a step and fell, I helped her up "everything hurts" she cried, I couldn't help but to feel sorry. I bent down "I can give you a ride on my back" I said, she looked up and nodded. I stood up and bent my knees a little, she got up and jumped up on my back, she whimpered as she did. I held onto her tightly but not to hurt her "aren't I heavy to you?" She asked, I shook my head "I do this all the time with Jamie and Sophie so you're pretty light" I said, she nodded. I got in a running position and took off, I ran and ran until I came to the edge. I stopped and looked for the others, they were on the other side below us. It was a steep fall but I could make it, I walked backwards then stopped. Tooth looked at the edge "what are you doing?" She asked fear in her voice, her grip tightened "do you trust me?" I asked "yes, why?" She asked. "Good" I said, she put her head on my shoulder, I ran as fast as I could then jumped. Her grip tightened even more as we fell to the other side, the others looked up and saw me, they moved quickly. I took Tooth and held her against my chest as my back was to the ground. My back hit the ground, we slide to the middle as there was a huge line leading to me. The others ran to us, I let go of Tooth and she sat up. North and Bunny helped her up as Jack and Sandy helped me sit up. I rubbed my head "Chris are you ok?" Jack asked, I nodded and got up, he stood up too.

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