I'll be a bit slower than expected

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Hey guys, i know im making another journal so soon but I feel I should let you guys know im probably gunna be a bit slower than I wanted.

I am emotionally hit hard right now, I went to a psychologist and he told me my diagnosed autism isn't real (even though less than a month ago another psych also confirmed it) and told me what point is there to trying more meds because i've had awful side effects on others.

The whole thing has sent me into a panic attack as this is a part of myself, I am applying for disability and legit got told to my face the condition i  am applying for isnt real.

He didnt listen when I tried to tell him my symptoms so he knew, he acted like an absolute bitch and a karen. I am trying to work things out but i am mentally drained. i did write a bit today but i am likely going to be a bit delayed i apologize :(

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