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Peter held you tightly around the waist as the two of you balanced on the small foot rest at the end of the love seat that Zelda had bought at a vintage sale two months ago.

You tilted your head back, taking a long swig of your beer as Peter did the same, wobbling slightly as you pulled him towards you, both of you giggling.

"If you let me fall in this lava, we're breaking up," Peter whispered, his eyes glistening with mischief as you laughed, shaking your head.

"If we fall, it's because your spidey sense aren't working," you joked.

Peter gasped, "Secrets! Don't spill secrets!"


You all slammed a certain number of fingers to your forehead, and you and Maggie screamed when you both got the number three.

"Natasha Romanoff!"

"Black Widow!" she shrieked.

You both jumped up and down, you literally vaulting yourself onto Maggie on the couch.

It was another typical Sunday night in Zelda, Gracie and Maggie's apartment. The textbooks had been pushed off to the side after you'd all fried your brains and now you were all drunk off your minds playing True Avengers - the Avengers version of True American.

"God, Steve Rogers was so hot," Maggie sighed dreamily, "I would have let him do anything to me."

You wrinkled your nose, shaking your head as Maggie practically said she wanted to fuck your uncle.

"I would fuck Spider-Man," Zelda said, hiccuping slightly as she sighed and laid her head on Jake's chest, "Wouldn't you, Jakey?"

Jake nearly spit out his drink, his face going red as Peter gapped at Zelda.

"Z, you don't even know what Spider-Man looks like under that suit," Peter said, still holding up the number four to his forehead.

"Yeah Zel, you don't want to fuck Spider-Man," Jake smirked, looking at Peter as Peter glared back at him. "Mostly because I've heard he's got a small dick."

"Oh have you seen it?" Scotty asked, peeking up from where he was kneeling under the table or, in this game, the Hydra Dungeon.

"I have," Jake nodded, "I was unimpressed."

"Well I beg to differ," you said, swaying with Maggie as the two of you clung to each other. "It's huge."

"Babe!" Peter shrieked, his face red and his glasses fogging up as he looked at you as if you'd just told a whole room he had a huge dick.

Which, technically, you had.

Gracie started dying with laughter, shaking her head as she sipped her drink. "So are we going to save New York, or what?"

"Whoever gets to Stark Tower and grabs Loki's staff wins!" Scotty yelled.

"And gets to fuck Spider-Man!" Zelda screeched.

"Oh my God," Peter grumbled, jumping to the sofa as you and Maggie screeched, giggling as your bodies bounced opposite his.

"Okay okay okay," you stood, "Give me a superpower!"

Gracie gasped, grabbing the bowl with all the Avengers' superpowers scribbled onto multiple scraps of paper as you swished your hand around while Maggie lazily held her hand over your eyes.

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