Warzones Pt. II

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Ten minutes into MJ arriving at the hospital with burgers, fries and milkshakes, you were ready to leave.

"I feel like I'm only being kept here because people don't want me going out and getting hurt again," you moaned, shoving more fries in your mouth.

"Like, I think Christine and Stephen are only keeping me here because they want to keep an eye on me."

"Highly likely," MJ nodded, leaning over and wiping some sauce from your cheek. "And I bet Harry is in on it too."

"I bet he is!" you cried, before quickly tossing your garbage in the bin and standing. "Okay. I'm leaving."

MJ's face registered shock for a moment, "Wait, I was joking."

"I wasn't," you simply shrugged, "When do I ever joke?"

MJ hesitated. "You can't just ... leave."

"Where are you going?" Harry asked upon opening the door. "Where do you think you're going?"

"I'm leaving," you stated, collecting your things and adjusting your sweater. "I need to get to the Baxter Building. Peter's probably still there and I can catch him before he leaves."

"You – You can't just –" Harry started but you glared at him.

"I dare you to fight me," you challenged.

MJ smirked, sucking obnoxiously loud on the last sip of her milkshake.

"She has a point," she shrugged.

"Babe," Harry whispered, looking at MJ with surprise in his eyes.

"She's fine," MJ waved at you as you put your hair up into a ponytail and gave Harry a stern look.

"Let her go. If you don't let her, you know she's going to make a scene."

Harry sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. "I'm going to lose my residency."

"No you won't," you scoffed. "Christine knows me. So does Stephen. They'll know that you basically had no choice."

Harry reached for his jacket that he'd put on the back of your door.

"Fine," he said, adjusting the sleeves. "But we're going with you because if you collapse then I'm not going to let that be on me."

"I'm not going to collapse," you rolled your eyes, "But you are both welcome to tag along. I miss you both constantly."

"Good because I really have so much to tell you," MJ said, "Literally our friends are becoming so problematic and I don't really know what to do about our little shits anymore."

You Ubered to the Baxter Building. As much as you wanted to get back in your suit and fly there, Harry absolutely put his foot down when you suggested carrying them both so you could get there faster.

When you opened the door to the Baxter Building, Harry was basically in stitches.

"You really shouldn't be doing any of this," he said, jogging to keep up with you. "You weren't even technically discharged from the hospital."

"If Christine asks, I kidnapped you," you said, jogging towards the reception desk. "God, I always forget that there's hardly ever anyone here. Fucking Christ."

You dialed Peter's number again but it went straight to voicemail, and you wanted to kill that boy for never charging his phone and letting it go dead at least once a day.

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