Last Days Pt. II

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"You're going to bump your hip into the corner of that kitchen island every morning."

You had fallen in love with the Greenwich apartment the moment you stepped foot into it. Peter could tell the second the door opened and you stood in the doorway, just taking it all in before walking in physically.

You laughed, tossing your hair over your shoulder as the evening orange sun cascaded through the kitchen window and created a warm glow on your sparkling skin.

Smoothing your hand over the marble countertop, you shrugged.

"You'll always be there to kiss it better," you smiled at him, winking as Peter scoffed and rested his elbows against the kitchen island.

This was the fourth apartment you'd looked at in the past couple days, and though hunting for an apartment was exciting and something you'd been dying to do for months now, the two of you were also exhausted.

"It's super close to the subway, I'll give it that," Peter said, walking over to where the windows were and pushing the curtain back a bit to get a good look at the subway entrance.

You hummed, sliding across the wooden floors and colliding with Peter's back, wrapping your arms around his middle as you looked around his shoulder.

"And did you see that bakery down the street? They sell half off muffins on Mondays."

"You know I love a mean muffin," Peter nodded, turning to you. "Tell me what you see."


You clapped your hands together and stepped back into the middle of the living room that was joined by the kitchen. You nibbled on your bottom lip as you looked around, finally pointing with your clasped hands and pointed fingers towards the wall.

"We can put the TV there and then the couch would go over here," you said, pointing to the opposite wall. "Actually, no. We'll put the TV over here so that we can see it from the kitchen and then the couch will separate the kitchen from the living space when we walk in."

You waltzed over to the other wall that had the doorway to the hall. "I want a lot of plants here. And photos."

"We have a lot of photos and plants," Peter nodded, "Already seems like a done deal."

He followed you through the apartment, laughing as you pointed at things and excitedly explained your plan for how you would set everything up. It was like it was all materializing before his very eyes, and he smiled at you encouragingly whenever you turned back to ask for his approval.

Moving in wasn't quite as romantic as you'd expected. With a superhero boyfriend, you'd hoped that you could just ask him to move all the heavy stuff, and you'd also figured the rest of the Avengers would help.

But the night before you were to move all your things, you turned over in bed and poked at Peter's cheek. He was lying on his back as you crawled up to be super close to him, causing him to groan and nuzzle his face away from your poking finger.

"What?" he mumbled sleepily. "S'late. Big day tomorrow."

"I had an idea," you nibbled your lip, interested to know what Peter would think.

He opened one eye, turning and looking at you suspiciously as you sighed.

"Okay?" he prompted.

"What if ... What if we just didn't tell anyone where we live?"

Peter closed his eye and reached up to rub them, finally sitting up against the headboard and sighing.

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